In the perfect absence of thundering house music, the call of a lone, coarse-throated bird thunders like a foghorn.
Meanwhile in the House, Republicans have staged a revolt and are demanding that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi call the House into session to vote on its version of the energy bill.
It was a product that the Speaker of the House endorsed through his own colleagues on a conference call, as has been widely reported.
Yet President Obama still considered the group important enough to pay a house call to its annual House of Delegates meeting in Chicago, in recognition of the fact that while the AMA may not be able to dictate the terms of what type of health overhaul can pass Congress, it could still help gum up the process.
Before dawn on Tuesday, officers responding to an emergency call at a house in the community of Ladera Ranch, about 30 miles (48km) south of Los Angeles, found a female victim dead from multiple gunshot wounds, Orange County sheriff's spokesman Jim Amormino told the BBC.
The White House has a weekly conference call with an informal group of Catholic advisers, and the Republican National Committee has revived a Catholic task-force.
When you're a police officer answering a domestic violence call, the last thing you want to find out is that someone in the house has a stockpile of weapons.
While he went further than he had previously in urging Mubarak to begin a meaningful transition, he ultimately resisted urgings of White House aides to call outright for Mubarak to resign.
Vince stands in the tiny foyer of his tiny house, if you can call a coatrack and a mail slot a foyer.
Diana DeGette, a leader of the Pro-Choice Caucus in the House, told Roll Call that the amendments represented the biggest restrictions on a woman's right to an abortion that she has yet seen.
O.s liked having a house guru, a firm whisperer, on call, and the nature of the relationship gave Bain an interest in something that other consulting companies had little reason to care about after they collected their fees, which was whether the advice they sold actually helped the company do better.
We'll have a more detailed readout of the call that will be sent by the White House probably shortly after we land.
On Tuesday, Obama held a campaign-style event at the White House to call for balancing the impact of deficit reduction so that the middle class and vulnerable citizens such as the elderly don't get hit too hard.
Deputy Administration Johns and Joshua DuBois from the White House Office of Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships emphasized a few key points on the call.
Mr. Khanna said he received a phone call Monday from the White House's Mr. Edelman informing him of the administration's response shortly before the statement was posted online.
It was hard-lined Republicans in the House of Representatives, who most ardently opposed the President's call for a guest worker program.
Meanwhile, Democrats turned the spotlight on themselves by trying to exploit the illegally taped conference call between Gingrich, his lawyer Ed Bethune and a group of Republican House leaders.
Perhaps people should be banned from the Lords (or whatever we call the new house) if they have represented, ran as a representative of, or contributed financially to, any of the political parties.
Details of a phone call with the prime minister on Thursday were released by the White House.
Is it possible, that if one did some mental house-cleaning, one might, even for a nanosecond, have that clarity of vision that we call Love?
The speaker of the Colorado House of Representatives, Mark Ferrandino, a Democrat, says though he too was surprised to receive a call about his state's gun control battle from Biden last week, he understands the stakes.
It was a crime that saw the nation catch its breath: two constables hurrying to answer what they thought was a call for help from a stranger when, upon the ordinary lawn of an unremarkable house, their lives were cut short in an explosion of bullets and grenade shrapnel.
In 2008, Democrats picked up 19 House seats (with a few races still too close to call), but this represented the continuation of a trend from 2006, a year in which Democrats picked up a more impressive 31 seats.
Either the House of Cards writers are trying to send a message about first person shooters, subtly correlating immorality with games like Call of Duty.
FORBES: McGraw-Hill Education's 'Government In Action' Is Like 'House of Cards': The Game
Delivering the homily of his first Mass as leader of the worlds 1.2 billion Catholics, Pope Francis ended his remarks with a call to reconstruction of the church, which he said is in danger of being like a house of sand built by children on a beach.
WSJ: Bid to Remake Church Will Focus on Vatican Administration
Another 911 call came in less than a minute later from a man who saw Berry busting out of the house.
"What we've seen with House of Cards is a nice impact but a gentle impact, " Netflix Chief Executive Reed Hastings said on a conference call Monday evening.
The watchdog is looking at how staff responded to a call from a member of the public on 25 July, who reported that a man outside his house was taking tablets.
BBC: Cheng Somers' death: Devon and Cornwall Police face probe
For example, surrendering the prime minister's exclusive right to dissolve Parliament (and thus call an election) will matter little so long as the prime minister commands a majority in the House of Commons.