"You know, I'm a human being and I made a bad choice of words, " Collins said.
"This country gives chance to everybody else to be treated as a human being, " he said.
Despite that, Mr. Carter released a collabo-heavy I Am Not A Human Being in September.
Boisselier, a French biochemist, said she hopes to clone a human being within a year.
But you can try, and you can remain a human being while doing it.
There will be hardly a human being, other than the protestors, in The City.
Can the complexities of a human being really be summarized in a single noun?
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So why would a human being saddle up for a 100-mile round trip to the big city?
They contain the blueprints for how a human being, a plant or a bacterium, looks and functions.
Ms. Kraemer is a human being and reacted as we would expect any decent human to react.
When it becomes a human being, then we start to personalize and it's harder to deal with.
People keep forgetting that everybody's a human being, and human beings react the same way emotionally, okay?
One in 2005 after watching a "commercial with two kids controlling a human being with a remote".
"No one gave more profound 'How to be a Human Being' lessons than Jean Stapleton, " Lear said Saturday.
"As a human being you feel sorry for the people affected because of what happened, " the Ethiopian said.
So I will pass you on to a human being in New York who will sell you something.
Because she writes, the only thing more naturally resistant to change than a human being is a company.
He's a delightful person, not only as a sportsman but also how he is as a human being.
As well as the ethical questions of cloning a human being there are still enormous technical obstacles to overcome.
And without hesitation, Judge Mukasey said, you never have to apologize for being a human being in this court.
You know, I think we learn a lot about Martin Luther King, as a human being, from this collection.
And, it portrayed him as a human being affected by death and celebrity.
"When you give access to a human being, you unleash the power of human innovation and entrepreneurship, " he said.
"The death of a child is one of the most traumatic experiences a human being can endure, " Cacciatore said.
The great Pablo Casals once described himself as a human being first, a musician second, and a cellist third.
"They're a test that relies on a human being to read a slide" and interpret what they see, Bowers says.
Not surprisingly, when checking into a hotel, many younger travellers would rather interact with a computer than a human being.
Dr Ellis said while there was sadness at the death of a human being, people demonstrating and rejoicing was "distasteful".
Lafreniere said he could not understand what person could watch a human being getting decapitated in front of a camera.
Hurtling down a mountain on skis is the fastest a human being can travel on land without a mechanical aid.