Apigee Insights is a recognition in essence, that a fourth tier must be introduced into applications in addition to UI, Server, and Database.
Institutions may be loth to invest in a fund that is, in essence, a one-man show.
Researchers say it could help heart failure patients with a "conduction delay" -- in essence, a faulty electrical system in the heart.
Despite the varying prohibitions, some Shariah banks find creative ways to make the equivalent of market interest rates by other means, such as by pegging debtor repayment rates to his or her future profits, or when a bank offers a "hibah, " or gift to those who open an account in essence a way of attracting new customers in lieu of interest accruals on savings.
One health document is a living will, which in essence is a set of instructions to your family members and physician suggesting how you want health care to be implemented.
FORBES: Aging And Investing: The Risk Of Cognitive Impairment
If it is a concept that is unlikely to ever acquire Total Football's sexy cache, Raymond Verheijen believes periodisation - in essence a less is more approach to training - is important in allowing clubs to protect their key asset - players.
If the pols can be persuaded to keep the subsidies flowing, Manning can make a good living by, in essence, acting as a tax broker.
Is there a new product or service your company can offer that would be in essence a game-changer?
They subsequently passed a law that in essence taxed options as current income, even though they could not be exercised for several years and might expire worthless.
So thousands of juries will be presented half a case, in essence, with some issues like whether cigarettes are defective and dangerous beyond their ability to decide.
FORBES: After Losing In Florida, R.J. Reynolds Has Limited Options On Tobacco Cases
But economics eventually hit the headlines in the days before the vote when it emerged that Israel's budget deficit had grown to 4.2% of GDP in 2012 - twice the level predicted a year earlier, in essence because revenue from taxes had fallen short of predictions.
It was into this culture that I flung, as it were, A Place at the Table, arguing, in essence, against the idea of a gay ghetto, whether in life or in culture.
Mr Donkin's hope is that a new kind of company will in future blur the line between work and leisure, making labour in essence a form of fun.
Would everyone in a New York hot spot go quiet for five minutes in order to listen politely to what is, in essence, a private distress call?
Mr. Lack has a special perspective on the business because he was, in essence, a talent scout for J.
"The great strength of a regional mall is that in essence you have 150 different balance sheets, which means a lot of diversity, " says Robert Taubman, 52, who in 2001 took over as chairman from his father, Alfred, now 82.
Jacques Chirac was a dyed-in-the-wool Gaullist, and La Francafrique was in its essence a Gaullist enterprise, but even Chirac paid lip-service to the notion that times had changed.
"It created, in essence a disjointed approach, both between departments and also over time, " Mr Usher said.
Business sustainability is in essence a useless catchphrase, said Dunn, unless employee engagement and empowerment is factored in.
Railtrack would become in essence a large property company with minor operational responsibilities.
The issue of Soviet-American relations is in essence a test of the overall worth of the United States as a nation among nations.
"It becomes in essence a permission slip to do all of the ordinary things that are your rights as an American, " he said.
"They're trying to use antitrust laws to pursue what is in essence a securities case, " says Stephen Shapiro, a lead attorney for the securities firms.
"He's been in essence a walking ethical cloud for the last decade, ever since he resigned in disgrace from the House of Representatives, " Lewis said.
CNN: Gore campaign chief came aboard with heavy political baggage
In essence a Super Pass buyer is pre-paying 10 parking tickets.
FORBES: Help Ailing Cities: Reinvent The Parking Ticket, Cribbing Lessons From Starbucks, Six Flags
So there seems to be a little bit of a disconnect between saying in essence the system worked and Abdullah Abdullah saying the system can't work.
The idea is to recruit what is in essence a local security force, but with a broad enough base to ensure that the government is not merely supplying, training and arming existing militias.
Green named the victim on his Facebook page and the court was told he accepted that it was an "act of utter stupidity" and that he did not realise it was in essence a form of publication.
BBC: Ched Evans: Nine admit naming rape victim on social media
This reinforces their existing prejudices, such as the belief that what Britain joined in 1973, and what Britons voted yes to in 1975, was in essence a free-trade area that only later transmogrified into a putative political union.
The religious scholars he studied at Harvard, such as Jewish philosopher Martin Buber (1878--1965), helped this devout Episcopalian articulate what is in essence a Buddhist worldview: Business is interdependent with everything around it, and hence it must tread lightly alongside nature, so both can remain healthy and sustain each other in the long run.