• Lib Dem Business Secretary Vince Cable said the coalition had already spent time debating a referendum and had brought forward legislation guaranteeing a referendum in the event of a significant shift in powers from the UK to Brussels in the European Union Bill.

    BBC: Liam Fox

  • Ms Sturgeon has set out plans for a constitution in the event of a "Yes" vote in the 2014 independence referendum, which would include areas like free education and a ban on nuclear weapons.

    BBC: Scottish independence: Clash over Scottish constitution

  • The agreement left intact the British monarch as the head of state, giving the queen's representative, known as the governor-general, the right to appoint a prime minister in the event of a hung parliament, and to dismiss one that had lost the confidence of lawmakers.

    WSJ: Australia Lawmakers Seek Split From U.K. Monarchy

  • There is concern that such people could pose a threat in the event of a war.

    ECONOMIST: The war of words begins | The

  • If it is not updated, a high-net-worth individual could become exposed to a loss in the event of a divorce.

    FORBES: For Love And Money

  • Among a series of proposals in the report, Yes Scotland called on the STUC to urge all political parties to spell out how they would create a more socially just country in the event of a Yes vote in the independence referendum, which is due to be held in the autumn of 2014.

    BBC: Houses of Parliament

  • But its heated rhetoric has raised concerns of a sudden escalation of conflict in the event of a small-scale incident such as exchange of fire with South Korea.

    WSJ: U.S. Flies Stealth Bombers Over South Korea

  • In contrast, Russia has opposed further action against Damascus and expressed concerns about the prospect of a political vacuum in the event of the government's collapse and the rise of Islamist extremist groups.

    BBC: Cameron and Putin discuss Syria conflict at Sochi talks

  • It does, however, offer some reassurance for the rest of the UK, saying that it ought to keep its triple-A rating in the event of Scotland going its own way.

    BBC: Scottish independence: credit where it's due

  • Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Civil and Environmental Engineering department looked at the 40 largest U.S. airports and figured out which ones would be the most likely to spread a disease in the event of an outbreak in the cities they serve.

    CNN: Researchers list top 10 airports for spreading disease

  • But with tensions remaining high, there are concerns of a sudden escalation in the event of even a small-scale provocation.

    WSJ: Latest Korean Tensions Focus on Island

  • It also provides the ability for astronauts to jettison anytime from a rocket in the event of an emergency.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • As well as letting customers escape their deals, without a charge, in the event of a price rise, Ofcom also wants to make telecoms firms highlight the possibility of such price increases much more explicitly.

    BBC: Mobile and broadband contracts face Ofcom price action

  • He stressed the UK coalition government's commitment to a referendum on Europe in the event of a "significant transfer of power and sovereignty" to the EU but said he did not believe that would necessarily happen as a result of the current negotiations.

    BBC: Eurozone crisis: Cameron backs euro but opposes more integration - BBC News

  • The plan provides for a joint response between both countries in the event of a limited attack from the North, officials say.

    BBC: News - South Korea, US sign military plan against North 'provocations'

  • Rather than installing automatic response systems, the plant would rely on employees to perform a series of complex manual actions, which the NRC has not authorized as a means of adequately protecting nuclear facilities in the event of a fire.

    FORBES: New York City's Deadly Game of Nuclear Roulette

  • He will get no argument on that score from Sri Lanka coach Moody - who hinted too that he would like to see extra provision for the availability of a full 100 overs in the event of bad weather, rather than always trying to shoe-horn a result into one day.

    BBC: SPORT | Cricket | Speed sorry for World Cup farce

  • "While they may not be needed during a walk, in the event of an accident, a casualty could be sitting in the snow and ice for over an hour before search teams reach them, " he said.

    BBC: Wales snow: Rescuers' mountain walk equipment warning

  • Their inexperience might increase counterparty risk the danger that a seller of credit protection cannot pay in the event of a default.

    ECONOMIST: Credit derivatives

  • Over 50 million Americans might be exposed to a radioactive plume in the event of a Juragua accident.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: A Chernobyl reminder just off our shores

  • There will be a repair method in the event of a STB failure.

    ENGADGET: Live from the EchoStar press conference

  • An Ecuadoran businessman named Diego Borja had been hoping to secure a cleanup contract in the event of a judgment against Chevron.

    NEWYORKER: Reversal of Fortune

  • The first decision you have to make is no easier: New parents should immediately update or draft a will that names a guardian in the event of their untimely demise.

    FORBES: Nine Financial Tips For New Parents

  • There is a risk that in the event of a run on them (and private-equity folk all agree that there is now a hedge-fund bubble), hedge funds might have to sell fairly illiquid private-equity investments fast.

    ECONOMIST: Beating the mid-life crisis

  • For many years, there was a debate about what health insurance should be a means of ensuring that a person can get care when he or she needs it, a cocoon that protects a person from any accountability for his or her health care decisions, or a backstop in the event of catastrophic health events.

    FORBES: Three Years To Get Fleeced If You Buy Your Own Health Insurance

  • According to an ongoing investigation by the Washington Post, who initiated the McColo shutdown, the Srizbi bots have been programmed with a mathematical formula that in the event of a shutdown generate a random but unique web address to check for updates.

    BBC: Spam on rise after brief reprieve

  • On the subject of Scotland's membership of the EU in the event of a independence, Mr Salmond told the Andrew Marr Show that it would not lead to "vexed negotiations".

    BBC: Faslane submarine

  • Despite the rising fears, the SPX managed to close the week above its 80-day moving average, which we identified as a potential support area in the event of a decisive break below 1, 300.

    FORBES: Days Of Technical Reckoning Ahead

  • On the issue of Europe, Scottish ministers have insisted that, in the event of a 'yes' vote in the referendum, Scotland would remain part of the EU and negotiate its membership terms from within.

    BBC: Scotland politics

  • This elevation of a uniquely shameful event in the history of Europe into a source of religious inspiration and even of national pride for Americans has happened as a result of successive surges of interest.

    ECONOMIST: History

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