• Others invest foolishly or spend frivolously, but capitalism has cultivated a land of plenty.

    FORBES: Forget What The Media Say, Republicans And Minorities Are Made For Each Other

  • But as humans brought the idea of division of labour north, the female side of the bargain gave the species a significant advantage by providing fallback foods when big game was scarce and allowing more people to inhabit a given piece of land in times of plenty.

    ECONOMIST: Palaeoeconomics

  • Due to the consequences of the environmental crisis in Aral Sea region such as poor soil conditions, intensive desertification and land degradation, the farmers and dehkhans often face a plenty of problems.


  • It has plenty of suitable and empty land, as well as a large local market, which has made it the world's fifth-largest producer and seventh-largest consumer of wine.

    ECONOMIST: Use your brains

  • Its dealerships are distinctively designed, looking and feeling more like woodsy lodges than showrooms, with plenty of amenities and a full inventory of value-added Land Rover gear and clothing on hand to ensure nobody walks out the door without making a purchase.

    FORBES: Lessons Automakers Can Learn From Steve Jobs

  • Land can act as a hedge against inflation, and thanks to Federal Reserve Ben Bernanke, there is plenty of cheap financing to be had.

    FORBES: Energy Boom Fueling Demand For Ranch Real Estate

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