He was a sincere and learned man, if a confused one, who offered some academics and students just what they were looking for.
Levy's newfound bearishness is the result of lessons learned as a young man from his economist father, Jerome Levy .
For example, we learned that a homeless man was an Iraq war veteran, and a woman in passing had recently been evicted.
The policemen stood at the edges of the field as I waded into the poppies with a translator, a local young man named Saibullah, who had learned English as a refugee in Pakistan.
By meeting a useful man in 1941, he learned from scratch to fly four-engine aircraft.
If there's a single management secret to be learned from the man, for instance, it's about how important it is to delegate.
But we have also learned that technology, as a creature of man, is as problematical, as ambivalent and as capable of good or evil as its creator.
Yet many others first learned of him after Tuesday, when a man -- whom authorities haven't identified, but neighbors and news outlets say is 65-year-old retired truck driver and Vietnam veteran Jimmy Lee Dykes -- approached his bus in Midland City.
The young man says he learned of her death from a television report.
In fact, we learned that the potential match two weeks ago -- a young man from India -- had been talked out of donating by his parents.
His sharpness and arrogance fell away, and he was revealed as a man shaken to his core by cancer--someone who has learned what it's like to be vulnerable and frightened, someone who now regrets his oft-displayed lack of sympathy for the vulnerable and frightened in the poorest precincts of his city.
Michael, who would ascend higher than any black artist in music history, learned a bitter lesson: Even at the top of the mountain, there is only the man in the mirror.
There was a time when I expected my entire life would be spent in the service of Scouting, humbly trying to continue the legacy of Bill Hillcourt, and give back to a movement that had done more to shape and mold the man I became than anything I learned in school, from my parents, or from any other influence.
FORBES: The Business Of Scouting And A Crisis Of Our Own Making