In Moscow, a legal adviser called Sergei Magnitsky had begun to investigate for Browder, but within months Magnitsky was arrested on suspicion of tax offences.
Making sure the transition goes smoothly, Benedict made an important appointment Wednesday, naming the No. 2 administrator of the Vatican city state, Monsignor Giuseppe Sciacca, as a legal adviser to the camerlengo.
"The fact that he said this is a pretty clear sign that there's a worrying division which is opening up between Europe and the U.S. on this matter, " said Alec Burnside, a legal adviser to software association CompTIA, which supported Microsoft in the European Court of First Instance.
But a council legal adviser said that the council could not take such an offer into consideration.
The unit is headed by Donna Hansberry, a longtime litigator for the tax agency who was formerly a senior legal adviser on the IRS commissioner's staff.
Suzanne Spaulding, a former legal adviser to the Senate and House intelligence committees, says improvements in data-mining technology have enabled intelligence agencies to milk favourable court rulings in ways that exceed judicial intent.
His son Tal was fighting the north Wales PCC seat for Labour but he came second to independent candidate Winston Roddick, a barrister and former senior legal adviser to the assembly.
"Enforcing a court order against a diplomat, restricting his freedom of movement, that could cause a problem, " said Narinder Singh, a diplomatic law expert and former legal adviser to India's foreign ministry.
Meanwhile, Ros Altmann, director general of over-50s organisation Saga and a former government adviser on pensions, said ministers could face a costly legal challenge if they did not make changes.
Navdeep Singh, a policy adviser to the Sikh American Legal Defense and Education Fund, says Sikhs believe in freedom of religion, community service and inclusiveness.
CNN: Wisconsin temple shooting victims: Putting others first
"Enforcing a court order against a diplomat, restricting his freedom of movement, that could cause a problem, " said Narinder Singh, a diplomatic-law expert and former legal adviser to India's foreign ministry.
They don't believe she can remain the government's chief legal adviser when she has broken a law she herself drafted and piloted through Parliament.
In a statement, Alison Levitt QC, principal legal adviser to the Director of Public Prosecutions, said prosecutors had been considering whether to bring charges against two journalists over alleged phone hacking.
Among other things, he is currently Legal Adviser UNESCO, he has been a professor of International Law at the University of Geneva and founder and editor of the African Yearbook on International Law.
Director of public prosecutions (DPP) Mr Starmer, whose principal legal adviser Alison Levitt QC will conduct a review into those cases, said in a statement there were "obvious problems" in proceeding in such cases.
"Exporting animals is a legal trade, " Peter Garbutt, the NFU's chief livestock adviser, said.
Former Acting ATF Chief Ken Melson, after refusing to be a scapegoat for this operation, became an adviser in the Office of Legal Affairs in Washington, D.
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But others, like John Bellinger, the current State Department legal adviser, and his predecessor, William Taft, have long urged a more measured approach.
ECONOMIST: George Bush's climb-down over the Geneva Conventions
Alison Levitt QC, principal legal adviser to the Director of Public Prosecutions, said she had reviewed a decision not to prosecute Mr Le Vell following allegations made against him in 2011.
Dr Nicholas Norwell, a medicolegal adviser from the Medical Defence Union, which represents and helps doctors facing complaints and legal action, also criticised the delays which left complaints "hanging over" doctors for up to three years in a few cases.
Because there is a host of conditions to be met to render such contracts valid, the help of an Islamic legal adviser is usually required.
Lt Col Nicholas Mercer, the legal adviser during the invasion in 2003, said he believed there was more than just a rogue element responsible for abuse.
The OECD has particular concerns about the role of the Attorney General, the UK's chief legal adviser, and whether the independence of the post-holder is compromised by being a member of the cabinet.
Confirm that you have a durable power of attorney appointing a family member, friend or adviser as an agent to act on your behalf in financial and legal matters if you become physically or mentally unable to.
"We are a Muslim society and we all respect our religion, " said Walid Mezher, the Education Ministry's legal adviser.