If you come from a country that practises civil law (where a written legal code holds sway), then you must first spend a year getting a Master of Laws at an American university.
Peru needs further reforms, such as a new legal code for land and water rights, as well as more energetic measures to tackle widespread poverty.
And a weakening legal code made bankruptcy almost respectable.
If she thinks otherwise - or is willing to jeopardize our freedoms by helping a toxic rival legal code to take hold here - we better know it now, not after she gets on the Supreme Court for the rest of her life.
Forcing American enterprises to offer products Islamist "Shariah advisors" deem to comply with their political-religious-legal code is a Trojan horse for legitimating that code, Shariah, as practiced by the Saudi, Taliban, Sudanese and Iranian regimes.
For a 20-character code, the Legal Entity Identifier generates a lot of passion.
But the manufacturing of new legal code exacts a toll of its own.
The Russian legal code is a thicket of often contradictory rules and responsibilities.
ECONOMIST: How the Kremlin is using the law for political ends
Suu Kyi, 63, and her maids have been detained under Section 22 of the country's legal code, a law against subversion.
Promoting Shariah, what amounts to a theo-political-legal code that repressively governs Saudi society and that the Saudis (and other Islamofascists) seek to impose on all of us, Muslims and non-Muslims, alike.
Suu Kyi, 63, and two of her maids have been detained under Section 22 of the country's legal code -- a law against subversion.
That danger is greatly exacerbated by those like Suhail Khan who either don't understand Shariah's true nature and the stealthy jihad being used to establish it as a parallel theo-political-legal code inside this country - or are deliberately misrepresenting the facts about both.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Gaffney confronts top Bush official over Shariah
At the very least, it was a chance for Khan to allay concerns about the attitude of such a highly placed individual towards the Islamists' stealthy efforts to advance the repressive theo-political-legal code they call Shariah and its stated objective of global Islamic rule under a theocratic leader.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The other debate: Frank Gaffney vs. Suhail Khan
Legal changes, such as a revision to the bankruptcy code that allowed judges to reduce mortgage debt, could help.
The U.S. Treasury Department is submitting to Shariah - the seditious religio-political-legal code authoritative Islam seeks to impose worldwide under a global theocracy.
They would often insist that the answer to a legal question should consist of nothing more than reading the applicable code section, which should take no more than 20 minutes.
Legal experts spent most of the 1980s and early '90s drafting a new code, which stalled at the Justice Ministry.
Within large mutual fund organizations, only in- house legal counsel is in a position to monitor manager personal trading compliance with the code of ethics.
The usual characteristic of a legal judgment that its scope for discretion is tightly bounded by a complex code does not apply.
The fear that something might not be up to code that someone might slip on a loose rock and initiate legal action is absent, making such flexible, unique arrangements possible.
FORBES: A Policy Area In Which Europe Has The U.S. Beat, And It's Not Even Close
The past Speaker and likely future presidential candidate provided a detailed assessment of the nature of Shariah - the totalitarian theo-political-legal code that authoritative Islam seeks to impose worldwide, on non-Muslims and Muslims alike.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Newt Gingrich at AEI Today: Freedom will prevail
The old legal system was also tossed out, and a new one based on the Swiss civil code was imposed.
According to this legal code of Saudi Arabia and Iran, only Allah can make laws, and only a theocrat can properly administer them, ultimately on a global basis.
Given the increased risks of socio-economic discontent in the country which are sufficiently serious for Mr Bakiyev to have recently changed the country's legal code to allow the armed forces to intervene domestically ousting the US military is a good way for Mr Bakiyev to win some favour with the increasingly hard-pressed populace.