Again the national security strategy proposes a new departure, again a lesson learnt from recent conflicts ranging from Rwanda and Bosnia to Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia: to create a standby international civilian capability so that for fragile and failing states we can act quickly and comprehensively by combining the humanitarian, peacekeeping, stabilisation and reconstruction support they need.
"This is a very tragic case with a lesson to be learnt, " said Mr Howes.
I'm sure he has since learnt a valuable lesson--that content is expensive.
Many high-tech firms learnt a similar lesson when the 1995 Kobe earthquake in Japan wiped out some crucial suppliers to the semiconductor industry.
That is partly because the region's economies are now doing well again (see article), but it is also because some democrats seem to have learnt a salutary lesson.
However, the fund learnt that lesson within a month, urging the Koreans to ignore the fund's own fiscal conditions.
He learnt the lesson that in a battle between the old and any politician there is only ever one winner.
He learnt the lesson - he wanted a black puppy, so he was given a black puppy.
Istanbul mayor Kadir Topbas tried to ease the tension, telling a local television station that "we have learnt our lesson".
BBC: Turkey protesters return to Ankara and Istanbul streets
One other interesting tidbit from HTC's presentation was the company's statement that it learnt its lesson from the Tattoo, which had a resistive touchscreen, and no longer plans on offering anything but capacitive displays in the future.
Another lesson learnt from this film is that all you need to save the world is a bucket of water, a few masked men and an American lady with a work-station in Islamabad.