And then Barak sent him a letter, and that led to Senator McCain sending a very, very tough letter.
Holder goes into details about how the Justice Department is working on meeting the mass budget cuts in a letter to Senator Barbara Mulkuski (Chairwoman of Committee on Appropriations).
"In a letter Senator Mark Begich wrote to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton last month, he says 'such an abrupt change in the available labor pool just before the start of the salmon season would have immediate negative consequences for the companies, and the fishermen and communities, which depend on their operations, '" KTVA reported.
Four months ago, Senator Rockefeller sent a similar letter to Dave McCurdy, president and CEO of the American Gas Association (AGA).
FORBES: Rockefeller Admits Congress Lacks Foundation for Cybersecurity Legislation
Oklahoma Senator Tom Coburn noted in a Tuesday letter to Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack that while these conferences may be "fun, " or "even educational, " they reveal an agency unable to set priorities that serve taxpayers as opposed to its own bureaucratic interests.
In a September 2010 letter to then-IRS Commissioner Doug Shulman, Montana Senator Max Baucus encouraged the IRS to investigate the use of nonprofit status by conservative groups.
Senator Richard Blumenthal, Senator Chris Murphy and Congresswoman Elizabeth Esty sent a letter to Facebook's chief executive, Mark Zuckerberg at the end of last week calling for action, after a local newspaper publicised the story.
BBC: Facebook removes US shooting 'tributes' after complaints
And that is a letter that is signed by the Attorney General and was submitted to Senator Paul and his office.
Senator Rockefeller proved my point on September 19 when he sent a letter to the CEOs of Fortune 500 companies asking them what best practices they have adopted, how they were developed, who developed them, and when they were developed and updated.
FORBES: Rockefeller Admits Congress Lacks Foundation for Cybersecurity Legislation
In a recent letter to the Executive Directors of the same Top 100 pension systems assessed herein, Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) left little doubt as to the moral responsibility of our nation's pension systems to help defeat terrorism.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Terror Investments of the 50 States
By her last term, Snowe writes that a senator's willingness to reach across the aisle had become a "scarlet letter" instead of badge of honor.
Senator Ted Kaufman (D-Del.) pointed out in a recent letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission that he would like high-frequency traders to take on more obligations.
Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, an abortion rights opponent, sent a letter to Bush in June, charging that such research is in line with "pro-life" values.
Last week, Indiana Senator and ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Richard Lugar wrote a letter to US Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, urging the State Department do more to help American families bring their children home, specifically citing the families adopting children from Vietnam.
FORBES: No Place Like Home: Families Stuck Inside Stalled US-Vietnam Adoption Agreement
Of course, there was another letter, as you know, sent -- or detected by Capitol Police that was sent to a United States senator.
Rep. Solomon also read a letter prepared for the Roundtable by former Senator Paul Laxalt , leader in the Senate of the opponents to the Panama Canal Treaties.