In a letter to the editor published yesterday in The New York Times, McGovern conceded that Ambrose should have used quotation marks for the disputed passages.
As I was thumbing through the Financial Times recently, I came across a letter to the editor by Marc Chandler of Brown Brothers Harriman and Jim Glassman of JPMorgan Chase.
D, the FDA official who first linked oral bisphosphonates to esophageal cancer in a letter to the editor of the New England Journal of Medicine, says that the new study alone does not put the issue to rest.
As I was thumbing through the Financial Times recently, I came across a letter to the editor by Marc Chandler of Brown Brothers Harriman and Jim Glassman of JPMorgan Chase (nyse: JPM - news - people ).
Former Fed Chairman Paul Volcker is the author of this plan, and in a letter to the editor in last week's Wall Street Journal, former Treasury secretaries W. Michael Blumenthal, Nicholas Brady, Paul O'Neill, George Shultz and John Snow lent their support.
"Unless the senator is a physician, ethicist or other informed professional, he should step aside and let the medical professionals determine what is best in individual cases, " Dorothy West wrote in a letter to the editor of the Athens Banner-Herald, Hudgens' hometown paper.
Wednesday's 23-13 party line vote came a few weeks after psychiatrist Robert L. Spitzer, in a letter to the editor of the Archives of Sexual Behavior, apologized for his 2003 study of reparative therapy, which suggested that it could help gays and lesbians become straight.
He had just penned a scathing letter to the editor responding to that bombshell report last week that implied astronauts on three occasions violated the so called "bottle-to-throttle" rule.
In a 1992 letter to the editor of the New York Times, in which he responded to an article about minority conductors, DePreist made clear that artistry was his major concern.
In 1976, angered by inaccuracies in Le Monde's reporting on the Khmer Rouge, Ponchaud fired off a letter to the newspaper's editor -- along with a dossier of refugee accounts and radio transmissions.
The committee has published a second version of the letter, supplied by News International, in which references to the daily editorial conference, editor and Mr Goodman's claims of a deal over his job have been blanked out.
In the past, he says, it was always possible to write a letter to a newspaper's editor.
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Mr Plant said he had written a letter to Johnston Press on behalf of the borough councillors to state they opposed any suggestion of Mr Stokoe losing his post as editor.