That priority can't be reconciled with the imperatives of a liberal education.
"The essence of liberty, which is at the root of a liberal education, is that meaningful freedom means that you have choices to make, " Mr. Kagan says.
WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Donald Kagan: 'Democracy May Have Had Its Day'
You make a judgment much earlier, as early as middle school, and designate certain students to follow an academic track, which gives them a liberal education, and the rest to follow a professional or vocational track.
This may provide some comfort to parents who have recently sent in deposits and are worrying about the futility of a liberal arts education versus more practical degrees in engineering, computer science or say, nursing.
FORBES: Measuring A College's Worth: The Grateful Grads Index
For example, the New College of the Humanities will offer a liberal arts education of the kind which will be familiar to American readers and is so lacking in Europe, where most generally students must pick a topic of study (often vocational) upon their leaving the secondary school system.
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Do we want people returning who have learned only to hone the tricks of the trade, or do we want people coming back to our neighborhoods who have had a chance to learn the kind of analytical skills and be exposed to the ethical values that a liberal arts education is able to impart?
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In some ways The Grateful Graduates Index is a vindication of the old fashioned idea of getting a good liberal arts education.
FORBES: Measuring A College's Worth: The Grateful Grads Index
To that end, Gillen established the Institute of Humanistic Studies for Executives, a 10-month immersion program that amounted to a complete liberal arts education.
Along with more than 20 other U.S. and European business schools, those institutions met last month at George Washington for a conference to discuss ways to better integrate a liberal-arts education into the business curriculum.
It is hard to see what more a college devoted to liberal education could do.
I'm not arguing for a return to classic liberal arts education--it's not as if sixth-graders are suddenly going to start reading Aristotle.
Employers cannot expect to recruit and retain the top-tier talent that will allow them to compete globally with rock-bottom wages and college grads cannot expect that a four-year liberal arts education will be sufficient (or even necessary) to grant them access to the highly-paid careers of the next decade and beyond.
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At that year's party conference the questioning turned into a full frontal assault by Mr Willis on Labour's education funding as the Liberal Democrats sought to give themselves a distinctive edge.
In 1975 the university added a liberal arts college later renamed after the education philanthropist Eugene Lang.
Highly organized professional educators, sympathetic liberal legislators and a constituency of manipulable education consumers form a classic "iron triangle" that has proved impervious to reform.
Several senior members of the current government once went to the grammar schools that were shut by Crosland and his successors, such as Shirley Williams (a 1970s education secretary, now a Liberal Democrat peer).
In an ideal Republic, every American would get a broad-based, four-year, liberal arts education rooted in great books shared inquiry, as offered at schools like my graduate alma mater of St.
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"What really made them successful was their sheer determination to break through, " adds Indira Parikh, a former dean at the Institute of Management and president of the Foundation for Liberal and Management Education in Pune, outside of Mumbai.
Liberal Democrat education spokeswoman Jenny Randerson AM, said it was the second year in a row in which the assembly government had to make rapid changes to the budget due to a "complete failure" in planning.
Liberal Democrat spokeswoman Sarah teather said Liberal Democrat Shadow Education Secretary, Sarah Teather MP said it was important to have a chief inspector who was not tied to any political party, who could act independently and in the best interests of schools and pupils.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Minister's wife takes over Ofsted
Generic liberal arts education is scarcely affordable within four years, and no longer prepares graduates for a competitive and technological marketplace.
Supported by Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat business secretary who is responsible for higher education, the Office for Fair Access, a regulator, wants a portion of the higher fees to be diverted to outreach efforts.
The last Liberal Democrat manifesto included a plan to increase basic income tax by one pence, with the money allocated to education.
Mr Black however denied claims from opponents that his party had "sold out cheaply" as he stressed that the agreement on the budget was "not just a good deal for Welsh Liberal Democrats, but a good deal for poorer pupils around Wales, it's a good deal for education and it's a good deal for the public sector".
In consequence a kind of undermining of the collegial quality and the cross-disciplinary quality and the liberal arts project in public higher education.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Higher education 'market' warning
L.A., and show greater improvement, than students majoring in non-liberal-arts fields such as business, education and social work, communications, engineering and computer science, and health.