• That priority can't be reconciled with the imperatives of a liberal education.

    WSJ: Peter Berkowitz: Is Yale University Sexist?

  • "The essence of liberty, which is at the root of a liberal education, is that meaningful freedom means that you have choices to make, " Mr. Kagan says.

    WSJ: The Weekend Interview with Donald Kagan: 'Democracy May Have Had Its Day'

  • You make a judgment much earlier, as early as middle school, and designate certain students to follow an academic track, which gives them a liberal education, and the rest to follow a professional or vocational track.

    NEWYORKER: Live and Learn

  • This may provide some comfort to parents who have recently sent in deposits and are worrying about the futility of a liberal arts education versus more practical degrees in engineering, computer science or say, nursing.

    FORBES: Measuring A College's Worth: The Grateful Grads Index

  • For example, the New College of the Humanities will offer a liberal arts education of the kind which will be familiar to American readers and is so lacking in Europe, where most generally students must pick a topic of study (often vocational) upon their leaving the secondary school system.

    FORBES: Does Higher Education Need To Go Back To The Fifties?

  • Do we want people returning who have learned only to hone the tricks of the trade, or do we want people coming back to our neighborhoods who have had a chance to learn the kind of analytical skills and be exposed to the ethical values that a liberal arts education is able to impart?

    FORBES: College Behind Bars: How Educating Prisoners Pays Off

  • In some ways The Grateful Graduates Index is a vindication of the old fashioned idea of getting a good liberal arts education.

    FORBES: Measuring A College's Worth: The Grateful Grads Index

  • To that end, Gillen established the Institute of Humanistic Studies for Executives, a 10-month immersion program that amounted to a complete liberal arts education.

    FORBES: Why Every MBA Should Read More Literature

  • Along with more than 20 other U.S. and European business schools, those institutions met last month at George Washington for a conference to discuss ways to better integrate a liberal-arts education into the business curriculum.

    WSJ: Wealth or Waste? Rethinking

  • What about a rigorous liberal arts education?

    FORBES: Public Choice

  • It is hard to see what more a college devoted to liberal education could do.

    WSJ: Peter Berkowitz: Is Yale University Sexist?

  • I'm not arguing for a return to classic liberal arts education--it's not as if sixth-graders are suddenly going to start reading Aristotle.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Employers cannot expect to recruit and retain the top-tier talent that will allow them to compete globally with rock-bottom wages and college grads cannot expect that a four-year liberal arts education will be sufficient (or even necessary) to grant them access to the highly-paid careers of the next decade and beyond.

    FORBES: Are Stingy Employers To Blame For The So-Called Skills Shortage?

  • At that year's party conference the questioning turned into a full frontal assault by Mr Willis on Labour's education funding as the Liberal Democrats sought to give themselves a distinctive edge.

    BBC: Phil Willis: Education & Employment

  • In 1975 the university added a liberal arts college later renamed after the education philanthropist Eugene Lang.

    FORBES: The Scary Economics Of Higher Education

  • Highly organized professional educators, sympathetic liberal legislators and a constituency of manipulable education consumers form a classic "iron triangle" that has proved impervious to reform.

    FORBES: Are We Spending Too Much On Education?

  • Several senior members of the current government once went to the grammar schools that were shut by Crosland and his successors, such as Shirley Williams (a 1970s education secretary, now a Liberal Democrat peer).

    ECONOMIST: Education

  • In an ideal Republic, every American would get a broad-based, four-year, liberal arts education rooted in great books shared inquiry, as offered at schools like my graduate alma mater of St.

    FORBES: Why Get a Pricey Diploma When a Bleepin' Badge Will Do?

  • "What really made them successful was their sheer determination to break through, " adds Indira Parikh, a former dean at the Institute of Management and president of the Foundation for Liberal and Management Education in Pune, outside of Mumbai.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Liberal Democrat education spokeswoman Jenny Randerson AM, said it was the second year in a row in which the assembly government had to make rapid changes to the budget due to a "complete failure" in planning.

    BBC: Funds return to further education

  • Liberal Democrat spokeswoman Sarah teather said Liberal Democrat Shadow Education Secretary, Sarah Teather MP said it was important to have a chief inspector who was not tied to any political party, who could act independently and in the best interests of schools and pupils.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Minister's wife takes over Ofsted

  • Generic liberal arts education is scarcely affordable within four years, and no longer prepares graduates for a competitive and technological marketplace.

    FORBES: Is Your Job Robot-Proof?

  • Supported by Vince Cable, the Liberal Democrat business secretary who is responsible for higher education, the Office for Fair Access, a regulator, wants a portion of the higher fees to be diverted to outreach efforts.

    ECONOMIST: Public-service reform

  • The last Liberal Democrat manifesto included a plan to increase basic income tax by one pence, with the money allocated to education.

    BBC: Charles Kennedy

  • Mr Black however denied claims from opponents that his party had "sold out cheaply" as he stressed that the agreement on the budget was "not just a good deal for Welsh Liberal Democrats, but a good deal for poorer pupils around Wales, it's a good deal for education and it's a good deal for the public sector".

    BBC: Final debate on the budget

  • In consequence a kind of undermining of the collegial quality and the cross-disciplinary quality and the liberal arts project in public higher education.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Higher education 'market' warning

  • L.A., and show greater improvement, than students majoring in non-liberal-arts fields such as business, education and social work, communications, engineering and computer science, and health.

    NEWYORKER: Live and Learn

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