According to the Department of Health report, when vaccines against anthrax and pertussis (whooping cough) were administered simultaneously to animals, it resulted in a severe loss of weight and deterioration in their physical condition.
The model shows that lasting weight loss takes a long time to achieve and suggests that more effective weight loss programs might be undertaken in two phases: a temporary, more aggressive change in behavior at first, followed by a second phase of a more relaxed but permanent behavioral change that can prevent the weight regain that afflicts so many dieters despite their best intentions.
The not terribly palatable stuff has a role in weight-loss diets, too.
Craig and her late husband, Sydney, began a nutritional weight-loss program in 1983 in Australia and moved it to the U.S. in 1985.
Research studies have found that such a regimen results in modest weight loss, improved glucose tolerance in people at risk of developing diabetes and other benefits, says David Bassett Jr.
Weight Loss: Diets with high protein content and a low glycemic index may improve overweight people's ability to maintain weight loss, according to a study in the New England Journal of Medicine.
The liquidity premium is a dead weight loss to the economy in that it is a discouragement to investment.
The second paper also failed to find statistically significant weight loss in a similar study on teens, except for one subgroup.
Citrus aurantium has seen a surge in use in weight-loss products since the banning of ephedra by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
CNN: Is bitter orange extract a safer diet pill alternative?
For some dieters, convenience means not having to plan, and so delivered meals or easy-to-shop-for menus are helpful in sticking to a weight loss plan.
Of course, these ePad Femme preselected apps will do almost everything a woman needs in life, from helping her create a shopping list to tracking weight loss to whatever it is the perfume app does.
No longer should people make decisions based on the idea that exercising a specific amount or reducing calories by a specific amount always results in predictable weight loss.
It has been named in lawsuits for its use of ephedra, a stimulant linked to heart attacks and strokes that was previously a component in some of its weight-loss products.
Both Novartis and Merck (nyse: MRK - news - people ) are nearing FDA approval for once-a-day pills that work in a fashion similar to Byetta, although without the promise of weight loss.
People are being warned to stop using a weight loss pill sold over the internet and in Chinese medicine shops.
Meanwhile, she and Mr. Hamilton have recently launched a line of nutrition and weight-loss supplements called Truition in partnership with record producer Rick Rubin.
She stumbled upon the Web site of the Hilton Head Health Institute, a self-billed "weight loss spa retreat center" in South Carolina, and signed up.
The loss in weight and body mass is driven by a metabolic disease manifested by increased energy consumption.
Lorcaserin affords a 3.0 to 3.7 percent weight-loss in one year relative to beyond that with placebo when used at the recommended dose.
Secondly, losing weight too quickly when you don't have a significant amount of weight to lose can result in muscle loss as well as fat loss, which can decrease your metabolism and make it more difficult to maintain your weight loss.
Opposition spokesman Lord Eatwell said tax avoidance by businesses "undermines any perception of fairness in the tax system and imposes a dead-weight loss on the economy, by spawning a socially-useless tax avoidance industry".
In one study, the average weight loss for a group taking a higher dose (32 mg) of naltrexone plus bupropion for about a year was 6.1% while for a lower dose (16 mg) it was 5%. (People taking a placebo had an average weight loss of 1.3%.) However, only half the participants who started the trial actually finished it.
Retrofit has developed a niche in the emerging field of so called data-driven weight loss.
In August, for example, Redux, a weight-loss pill, was withdrawn from sale for fear that it causes heart problems.
Professor McMahon believes if nothing changes, we could see one in six people eligible for weight-loss surgery within a generation.
Herbal medicines marketed as weight loss aids have been found to include a drug withdrawn in Europe and US on safety grounds.
Pushing back can cause some "very touchy" conversations, however, says Becky Hand, a registered dietitian with the weight-loss and fitness website SparkPeople, based in Cincinnati.
Oncologists generally agree that the actual cause of death in cancer patients is cachexia, a condition of severe weight loss and wasting associated with protein mal-absorption.
FORBES: Does genetically modified corn cause cancer? A flawed study fails to convince.
"A lot of patients that I see come in with very high weight loss expectations and very few people say that their goal is only 5% to 10% of their body weight, " she said.
In a sense, could be a good sign overall for weight loss drugs.