"New York is a lost cause, " said Stephanie Steward, vice chair of the Penn College Republicans.
Son knows that at this point boosting Softbank's market value in Japan is probably a lost cause.
Getting my bag and my guitar was a lost cause, and I had no place to sleep.
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Maybe I had "Online Deal Freeloader" written all over my face and he knew I was a lost cause.
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By the third deal they are either regular customers or a lost cause.
Certainly the new draft European Union constitution, voted down twice in three days in France and the Netherlands, is a lost cause.
When almost everyone had written off the Afghans as a lost cause, she saw potential for greatness in the most unlikely characters.
Insisting on even these minimum conditions may look like a lost cause.
Does this suggest that cause marketing is, well, a lost cause?
It seems like dignity while traveling is a lost cause.
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And while Chicago might be a lost cause for them, Republicans would do well to target their message at the Cook County suburbs, where most statewide elections are won and lost.
Since the popular Greenwood had been expected to run, Democrats all but conceded the seat, not expending as much energy in finding a candidate for a race they considered a lost cause.
Prop. 37 clearly does not, and if it were approved by the voters, the state would need to spend years and millions of taxpayer dollars defending a lost cause in the federal courts.
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Fighting a lost cause sharpens one's opinions.
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The home defenders watched motionless as they expected the ball to loop out of play, but Ward showed his willingness to chase a lost cause for a second time and hooked the ball from the byline into the six yard box.
However, the commentator says that this time, his party, the Il Popolo della Liberta (PdL) or The People of Freedom, will be less likely to spring to his defence, as it is now beginning to see Mr Berlusconi's war against the judiciary as a lost cause.
In defending what might seem a lost or losing cause, I have adopted the usual conservative posture of sadness at the pace and direction of current events.
Defending Freedom However heady the appeal of a call to arms, however just the cause, we should still shed a tear for all that will be lost when war claims its wages from us.
The continuing power of the Lost Cause romance can even be seen in a more recent film such as Gettysburg, which in the ending frames shows the fate of the various major characters.
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New, faster genetic sequencers are making this work ever more possible, especially since they don't require DNA to be extracted from cells and then replicated in bacteria, a process that can actually cause valuable data to be lost.
But despite prostate cancer being the second leading cause of deaths among men, with a life lost to the disease every six minutes, it is a taboo subject for many men, who can feel too embarrassed to mention the condition.
Meanwhile, Greece has lost none of its capacity to cause trouble, as a new, weak government tries to extract concessions from creditor nations.
One might argue that because this was a high-level crisis, and that many had already lost their lives, the threshold for private action to support a public cause in this case was clear.
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Apart from some Brazilian soccer stars having apparently lost their passion for the game, the main cause has a lot to do with a lack of motivation and corporate expertise at the governing body, the Brazilian Football Confederation (CBF).
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