• This is really no surprise at all in a mammalian species where one sex does all the viviparous part of the perpetuation of it.

    FORBES: How To Increase Business Profits: Go Sexist

  • You can't make cream or butter cause it's just a human udder, a natural mammalian sight.

    NPR: Annoying Mother's Day Music

  • He's armed with sharp teeth, big muscles and a smart mammalian brain.

    FORBES: King Kong Vs. T. Rex

  • It's a "normal mammalian function, " he said.

    CNN: Is the medical community failing breast-feeding moms?

  • The active ingredient in Rapamune, rapamycin, was discovered decades ago but scientists didn't understand how the drug worked until a graduate student named David Sabatini discovered the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), a protein that acts as part of a complicated set of chemical signals that causes cells to divide.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • Game playing is a normal part of (mammalian at least) childhood.

    FORBES: Apple Has, Sadly, Banned Newsgames On The iPhone

  • In their study, the researchers used mammalian retinas with a degeneration of photoreceptors in order to have an experimental model of different degenerative pathologies of the retina, such as Retinitis Pigmentosa or macular degeneration.

    FORBES: Artificial Retina From A Photovoltaic Polymer

  • The Novartis drug suppresses a protein called MTOR (mammalian target of rapamycin), which receives incoming growth signals from the surface of the cell and directs them to grow fatter, a necessary step before cell division.

    FORBES: Magazine Article

  • The inability of the vaccine industry to react more swiftly to a single bad bacterial contamination underscores the need for a better manufacturing process, one using mammalian cell cultures.

    FORBES: Broken Eggs

  • "Perhaps there is an organism in the tick's saliva that makes a person allergic to the alpha-gal sugar in mammalian meat, " Commins said.

    CNN: Ticks causing mysterious meat allergy

  • After several attempts, the researchers found a level which "inactivates both viruses and bacteria while leaving sensitive materials such as mammalian cells unharmed".

    BBC: Cell infected with HIV

  • True, we have a lot more choices (often aided by technology) about precisely how we do these things in the modern world but we are still built by a hundred thousand years or so of our own species, tens of millions of years of mammalian evolution, into ending up with slightly different brains and slightly different interests to go along with our very different gonads.

    FORBES: How To Increase Business Profits: Go Sexist

  • But the thought that the complexity of the mammalian brain and the existence of human intelligence depends on variety induced by a tamed genetic parasite is truly audacious.

    ECONOMIST: Brain development may be influenced by genetic parasites

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