Spice, who resigned as performance director of the RFU last April, will be part of a four-man board in charge of British Performance Basketball Ltd.
"The Gulf of Mexico explosion was a terrible tragedy for which--as the man in charge of BP when it happened--I will always feel a deep responsibility, regardless of where blame is ultimately found to lie, " Hayward said.
Before the banking crisis struck, RBS was led by Sir Fred Goodwin, a man who was determined to be in charge of one of the largest banks on the block.
In an interview with The Wall Street Journal, the Syrian officer who was in charge of Yarubiyah border crossing said a man identifying himself as a leader of one faction in the Islamist rebel coalition called him on March 1 demanding he and his men surrender.
Mickey, a short, paunchy, 45-year-old man, walked with a swagger that announced he was in charge.
During a recent test, Daniel Weissman, the neuroscientist in charge of the experiment, explained that a man lying inside the scanner would be performing different tasks, depending on the color of two numbers he sees on a screen.
And he was a man also, I might say, in charge of vetting vice presidential candidates for Walter Mondale in '84 and John Kerry in '04.
But the defence secretary looks genuinely stunned by what has happened (and he is not a man who likes to look anything but in charge of the situation).
Now he risks becoming a lame duck, and more damage has been inflicted by news that the man in charge of his own campaign finances last year has investments in the Cayman Islands, a known tax haven.
He is at pains to point out that while he is the man in charge, it is very much a collaborative process.
Like Labour's Harold Wilson, the man in charge the last time Britain had a referendum, David Cameron has promised to renegotiate Britain's relationship with Europe.
Europol believe the head of the operation was a 27-year-old Russian man who had been in charge of the "creation, development and international distribution of the various versions of the malware".
BBC: Police hold 11 over ransomware scam 'affecting thousands'
Two women, aged 29 and 31, arrested on suspicion of conspiracy to murder, have been released without charge, but a man, 29, remains in custody.
He concedes people had a great affection for the small schools - but as the man in charge of the county budget some of the smallest were becoming in his eyes, unsustainable.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South West Wales | Larger school the 'way forward'
The paper ridiculed Mr Kinnock as the "huff and puff man", saying his first parliamentary term in charge had been a "sad disappointment".
They tell me he is a nice young man - he did eventually apologise - but would you put him in charge of your finances?
But the man who kicked off this year's event is in charge of a budget even bigger than any at the disposal of the Zeitgeist plutocrats.
As a man who had been a talent scout for years in the Delta, he naturally took charge of her career, making her change her name and urging her into an auburn wig and sexier high heels.
In the Forest Gate operation of 2006, when a man was shot but later released without charge, community leaders expressed frustration over how little people were being told.
BBC: Forest Gate: Community criticised lack of communication
That was doubly necessary because the man in charge of preparing that part of the magazine is also the keeper of the A-List tablets, John H.
He himself was injured in 2011, when the man in charge of peace talks - the former Afghan President Burhanuddin Rabbani - was killed by a suicide bomber disguised as a Taliban peace envoy.
BBC: Afghanistan eyes Taliban peace ahead of Nato withdrawal
Meanwhile, a man who was arrested after the discovery of bomb-making equipment at Ballyfermot in southwest Dublin has been released without charge.
The man known as "the naked rambler" has been released on bail after a charge of outraging public decency in Oxfordshire was dropped.
Two men arrested in connection with the murder of a man who died following an attack at his Nottinghamshire home have been released without charge.
An 88-year-old man who was forced to wash in water boiled on a stove for weeks is to get a new boiler free of charge from his energy company.