• That is why I'm so relieved, to be relieved, however briefly, of a bitter, divisive campaign, and listen to a man of God, with a message of hope and change.

    CNN: Francis is the reform pope we need (Opinion)

  • He is supposed to be a man of God.

    BBC: Leeds & West Yorkshire

  • The title story, of a man who tried to hold God to a contract, had echoes of both the Book of Job and, more distinctly, of the parables of the Talmud and Midrash.

    ECONOMIST: Obituary

  • Because of all this against us, I had no choice but to repent, turn to God, become a true Child of God and Son of Man, seeking God with All His Righteousness and purity, becoming One with Him and Him in Us.

    FORBES: Bank Of America Website Down...Again

  • Days later, I'm still appalled that a magnificent sprinter like Johnson, a thoughtful and well-spoken fellow, a noble man-god, would lose his cool in a rivalry of words with a cheap, two-dollar-pistol-of-a-sprinter named Maurice Greene.

    FORBES: Digital Rules

  • According to an opinion poll last year, 33% of evangelicals think hurricanes are a deliberate act of God which presumably means that man should not mess with them. (Some 13% of non-evangelical Protestants, 15% of Catholics and, bizarrely, 17% of non-religious people agree.) Twenty-two leading evangelicals wrote to the National Association of Evangelicals asking it not to endorse the climate initiative.

    ECONOMIST: Doing it their way

  • They were cautioned against alcohol, tobacco, and gum chewing, and were told that they should consider it a miracle of God if any decent man ever wanted to marry them.

    NEWYORKER: Stone Mattress

  • Rather than inspiring caution in investors, the man many of them regard as a god has given the impression that he has done all that is needed.

    ECONOMIST: Greenspan lets things simmer

  • The Catholic Church is never going to view marriage except from the perspective of a sacrament, an unbreakable bond between one man and one woman, open to the God-given gift of children.

    BBC: Viewpoints: Successes and failures of Benedict XVI

  • Breezes blow the smell of sweat and jasmine through the air, along with the sweet, mournful voice of a man in the next car singing to God.

    BBC: Riding the rails like a Mumbaiker

  • Like the Jews, the Muslims came to see the Rock as a meeting point between God and Man, the centre of the earth, the origin of all fertility.

    ECONOMIST: New fiction from the Middle East

  • Like other atheistic existentialists, Mr Bowles put no store in a compassionate God, let alone the innate goodness of man.

    ECONOMIST: Paul Bowles

  • And inspired by a gift from a friend, he'd started writing music to accompany the 1929 wordless graphic novel "God's Man, " told through a series of wood engravings by American artist Lynd Ward.

    NPR: Jim James Takes Search For Connection To SXSW

  • Those who doubted could survey the ORU campus at 7777 South Lewis, and see what God had wrought through the man who was now a director of the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce and the Bank of Oklahoma.

    ECONOMIST: Oral Roberts | The

  • Coleridge believed (if such a searching and puzzling mind can ever be summed up), that all creation, especially man himself, was suffused with God, and that imagination was a function of the divine power, a recovered memory of a higher state.

    ECONOMIST: English poets

  • But as readers of the Old Testament know, Jonah emerges from the whale a changed man, redeemed and willing to carry on God's work.

    WSJ: Tale Told by a Modern Romantic | Jonah | Albert Pinkham Ryder | By Sidney Lawrence

  • Today Christians mourn the death of a man who gave up his life in a publicly humiliating and very painful way so that the rest of us might see God as a giver of redemption and grace.

    FORBES: Finding Your Heroic Inspiration

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