That is why I'm so relieved, to be relieved, however briefly, of a bitter, divisive campaign, and listen to a man of God, with a message of hope and change.
The title story, of a man who tried to hold God to a contract, had echoes of both the Book of Job and, more distinctly, of the parables of the Talmud and Midrash.
Because of all this against us, I had no choice but to repent, turn to God, become a true Child of God and Son of Man, seeking God with All His Righteousness and purity, becoming One with Him and Him in Us.
Days later, I'm still appalled that a magnificent sprinter like Johnson, a thoughtful and well-spoken fellow, a noble man-god, would lose his cool in a rivalry of words with a cheap, two-dollar-pistol-of-a-sprinter named Maurice Greene.
According to an opinion poll last year, 33% of evangelicals think hurricanes are a deliberate act of God which presumably means that man should not mess with them. (Some 13% of non-evangelical Protestants, 15% of Catholics and, bizarrely, 17% of non-religious people agree.) Twenty-two leading evangelicals wrote to the National Association of Evangelicals asking it not to endorse the climate initiative.
They were cautioned against alcohol, tobacco, and gum chewing, and were told that they should consider it a miracle of God if any decent man ever wanted to marry them.
Rather than inspiring caution in investors, the man many of them regard as a god has given the impression that he has done all that is needed.
The Catholic Church is never going to view marriage except from the perspective of a sacrament, an unbreakable bond between one man and one woman, open to the God-given gift of children.
Breezes blow the smell of sweat and jasmine through the air, along with the sweet, mournful voice of a man in the next car singing to God.
Like the Jews, the Muslims came to see the Rock as a meeting point between God and Man, the centre of the earth, the origin of all fertility.
Like other atheistic existentialists, Mr Bowles put no store in a compassionate God, let alone the innate goodness of man.
And inspired by a gift from a friend, he'd started writing music to accompany the 1929 wordless graphic novel "God's Man, " told through a series of wood engravings by American artist Lynd Ward.
Those who doubted could survey the ORU campus at 7777 South Lewis, and see what God had wrought through the man who was now a director of the Tulsa Chamber of Commerce and the Bank of Oklahoma.
Coleridge believed (if such a searching and puzzling mind can ever be summed up), that all creation, especially man himself, was suffused with God, and that imagination was a function of the divine power, a recovered memory of a higher state.
But as readers of the Old Testament know, Jonah emerges from the whale a changed man, redeemed and willing to carry on God's work.
WSJ: Tale Told by a Modern Romantic | Jonah | Albert Pinkham Ryder | By Sidney Lawrence
Today Christians mourn the death of a man who gave up his life in a publicly humiliating and very painful way so that the rest of us might see God as a giver of redemption and grace.