So the notion of "Homo economicus, " schooled by capitalism to be shortsightedly selfish, is these days something of a straw man ("Homo stramineus"?).
WSJ: Have We Evolved to Be Nasty or Nice? | Mind & Matter
In a straw man demonstration of the pitfalls in common statistical analysis, they showed that on the aggregate, women were accepted at a nearly 10% lower rate than men (35% to 44% respectively).
FORBES: The Dangers Of Cargo Cult Data Science
This is an example of using a red herring and straw man disinformation.
FORBES: Extradite Andrew Wakefield To Face Fraud Charges In The UK
Supposedly by attacking Wakefield, the primary author of the first highly publicized paper, who is a well-known proponent of the association of childhood vaccinations and autism, then the reality of cause and effect will supposedly just disappear and collapse like a straw man!
FORBES: Extradite Andrew Wakefield To Face Fraud Charges In The UK
It is not one based on an imagined straw poll of the partially informed hypothetical man on the street, but based on how a person of reasonable judgment, aware of all the facts, as well as how courts function, would decide.
WSJ: Michael B. Mukasey: The ObamaCare Recusal Nonsense