EU, a company that wants to introduce a genetically modified seed approaches a member state to act as rapporteur.
If two-thirds of the UN member states vote in favor of recognition, a state is accepted as a member state.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Richard Goldstone and Palestinian statehood
Greece is also a member State of the EU (since 1981), therefore EU law covers a large part of internal law.
On 14 July 2011, the UN General Assembly voted by acclamation to admit the Republic of South Sudan as a Member State.
It is hard to enforce policies limiting state-aid without a member state's backing, says Stephen Kinsella, a lawyer in Herbert Smith's Brussels office.
"I believe the reason is that they believed this is an administrative measure a member State has taken which does not endanger its democracy".
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Two thumbs down for Insulza and the OAS
Euro-zone government bonds had long been considered one of the world's safest investments: There was thought to be little risk a member state would default.
Our correspondent says he has never seen this much pressure being applied to a member state by the rest of the eurozone community in recent years.
The so-called "Luxembourg Compromise" allows a member state to block a majority decision being taken if an issue is deemed to seriously affect "a very important national interest".
Candidatures must be presented by the government of a Member State of UNESCO or an international non-governmental organisation, maintaining formal consultative relations with UNESCO and active in the relevant fields covered by the prize.
When the Commission believes a member state has failed to account properly for EU funds it can impose a "correction" on that state - it is a demand to reimburse the Commission.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has formally submitted a request to join the United Nations as a full member state.
Its ultimate aim is independence, which it believes, will mean "direct representation and equality of status in Europe", with Scotland becoming a full member state.
Opening the debate, the parliament's negotiator on the regulation, German centre-right MEP Kurt Lechner said that 12 million EU citizens live in a different member state.
But no ASEAN leader - not even Malaysia's blunt-spoken Mahathir Mohamad - has delivered such a withering blast at a fellow member state as Wahid directed at Singapore.
It could be portrayed as EU bullying of a small member state, especially as French and Dutch voters had previously rejected the constitution, and were not asked to vote again.
"Given that Scotland would be applying to join as a new member state, there are enormous uncertainties about the terms of such membership, over issues such as currency, rebates, opt-outs and borders, " said the source.
The tax will apply if any party to the transaction is based in a participating member state, regardless of where the transaction takes place - the so-called "residence principle" - and it is this provision that is causing the most controversy.
BBC: Financial transaction tax tabled by European Commission
The National Commission's role is to fulfil New Zealand's obligations as a UNESCO Member State by supporting UNESCO's vision, goals and programmes within the context of New Zealand and the Pacific, and by helping to set the direction of the global UNESCO programme and policies in line with New Zealand priorities and values.
The 29-year old former student body president of Ohio State is a member of the Ohio State Assembly.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Will Honda put the ayatollahs ahead of America?
Only if the court of one state is convinced that the reasoning of a court in another member state is erroneous should it depart from a point that has been authoritatively decided there.
Under Mr Delors, it was more of a super member-state, the one that (in theory) looked after the interests of Europe as a whole.
ECONOMIST: The beleaguered president of the European Commission
Thomas Issac, a member of the State Planning Board in Trivandrum, Kerala's capital.
Representatives of the parliament reached a deal with member state negotiators in the final round of budget conciliation talks on 18 November.
Democrat Baron Hill, a member of the state House, picked up Indiana's 9th for the Democrats, defeating Republican Jean Leising, a state senator.
Earlier this month, Ms Rice ordered that a member of the state department's own security staff accompany all Blackwater-escorted diplomatic convoys and that video cameras be installed in the firm's security vehicles.
In April last year David Turpin, a member of Washington State University's track squad who was attending the school on a partial scholarship, was arrested and charged with a felony violation of Washington's gambling laws after an undercover agent witnessed him hosting games of Texas Hold 'Em in his apartment and taking 10% of the pots as his fee.
Democrats have always had a majority in the 150-member state House, but Republicans think they have a shot at changing that next year.
The General Assembly voted by 138-9 to recognise the Palestinians as a non-member observer state, with 41 states abstaining.