While we are there, a middle-aged woman has come to complain about her elder sibling who has thrown the family out of the family house.
Tammy was a middle-aged woman who looked poor, sad, beaten down.
Houses here loomed over the street, and we saw a middle-aged woman get out of her car and take a baby stroller from the rear seat and unfold it.
The other is the story of Janis Adkins, a middle-aged, middle-class woman who suddenly found herself homeless after the financial crisis caused her to lose her home and previously-successful nursery.
But sitting in the front seat was a frumpy, middle-aged woman, wearing a Wisconsin sweatshirt, talking on her cell phone.
His comments are echoed by a middle-aged South African woman who says foreigners charge too much for basic goods and don't pay their workers enough.
So we collected all the required documents and gave them to a stern-looking middle-aged woman at the office.
The central picture on the site has her face morphing back and forth between her own visage, a white, middle aged woman, and a green-skinned, mohawked Orc.
The beauty of this film is that unlike others involving middle-aged men, a mid-life crisis and a woman young enough to be his daughter, theirs is a purely platonic relationship.
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And that to many on the street in Jordan, as a Western T-shirted and jeans-wearing blonde middle-aged woman, I fit somewhere between and outside of gender, an entirely different kind of alien other, a sort of free-ranging cash cow perhaps better avoided.
The woman who left before me, a middle-aged lawyer who had been arrested multiple times that weekend, reassured me that I'd get out soon.
The middle-aged woman, who had cancer, was admitted to hospital last year with a high fever.