Mr Tsvangirai is probably not a murderer, but he is clearly guilty of carelessness.
Zervakos said the 32-year-old defendant simply did not fit his image of a murderer.
CNN: Arias trial jury foreman calls decision 'gut-wrenching'
Take one look at the smart-phone market, and it's easy to see a murderer's row.
While prosecutors call Kevorkian a murderer, Thomas Youk's relatives hail him as a humanitarian.
It seems he wants to be thought of as a principled, ethical man, not a murderer.
"And all parties must say clearly that a murderer is not a martyr, " he said.
Later, eight papers admitted libeling Christopher Jefferies, a teacher whom they wrongly portrayed as a murderer.
"I don't think the prosecution or police ever seriously thought of me as a murderer, " he wrote.
Two possible sightings of a murderer on the run from a Lancashire prison are being investigated by police.
That Bernie was also a liar and a murderer is not something that most of Carthage ever took in.
Calls to the 101 non-emergency number included one reporting a character in an ITV soap opera as a murderer.
"Of course he's a murderer, of course he did wrong, of course we grieve for the families, " Reese says.
He said that beneath Simpson's image as a star athlete and actor was a jealous batterer and ultimately a murderer.
CNN: O.J. Simpson trial: Opening statements; testimony begins
Police have released a CCTV image in a bid to find a murderer who is on the run from a Lancashire prison.
BBC: Brian Lynch: CCTV plea over murderer on run from Kirkham
"Only a murderer would go to those dreadful lengths, " she said.
But if he is a murderer or something along those lines whereby he has no possible chance of being released then that brings up a different scenario.
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The result of this quest -- a gruesome creature with supernatural strength -- turns into a murderer and forces Dr. Frankenstein to try to destroy his creation.
Set in Florida at the end of the 1960s, the film sees two reporters, played by Oyelowo and Matthew McConaughey, work to have a murderer's conviction quashed.
Ispahani described Mehsud as "a murderer and a monster" and said his death would be a boon to Pakistan's ongoing military operation against Taliban militants inside its borders.
CNN: Pakistani Taliban leader may be dead after U.S. drone attack
The BBC's Justin Webb in Washington says the civil trial result and American's constitutional freedom of speech rights have enabled people to openly say they believe Mr Simpson is a murderer.
BBC: Many Americans view the OJ Simpson publicity as unethical
Ms Shand told the court that Zoe had been lying there with a sheet of plastic over her face and only a murderer would take the dreadful step of setting her on fire.
My neighbors, were they ever to introduce themselves, and upon hearing that I was an arsonist and a murderer, would start talking about the virtues of Bermuda grass as opposed to Kentucky blue.
In 1868, John Stuart Mill made one of the most eloquent defenses of capital punishment, arguing that executing a murderer did not display a wanton disregard for life but, rather, proof of its value.
Bailey said there are no witnesses to the killing or burial of Sohus, and prosecutors have little more evidence than the bizarre behavior and multiple identities of Gerhartsreiter to paint him as a murderer.
Juries, aware that a life sentence does not mean what it says, opt for the death sentence because they perceive correctly that a murderer will then at least serve the rest of his life behind bars.
They were thoroughly humiliated by Bush senior's attack dog, the late Lee Atwater, who used everything from the state of Boston harbour to the activities of Willie Horton, a murderer and rapist, to destroy Mr Dukakis.
The prisons ombudsman, Stephen Shaw, has recently ruled that two prisoners, Michael Sams, a murderer, and Rifat Mehmet, an armed robber, should not have been allocated to Woodhill and has called for their cases to be reviewed.
From the images of her kissing her co-accused and erstwhile boyfriend, to her cartwheels in the police station, Knox's seemingly innocent insouciance contrasted gratingly with the gory crime and general preconceptions of what a murderer should look like.
Even with an arsenal of razors at hand, Sweeney comes across as more of a misfit than a murderer, and the romantic subplot, about a pair of star-crossed lovers (Jamie Campbell Bower and Jayne Wisener), verges on the twee.