Whom do you put in a musical whose original film version starred John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara and a gaggle of scene-stealing character actors?
"It was when someone talked to me about Bugsy Malone that the idea lit up in my head, " he said, with a reference to Alan Parker's 1976 musical gangster film which boasted a cast of child actors.
On Saturday, 1, 000 people with a coffin filled with musical instruments, film reels and theatre masks marched through La Rochelle, where a film festival is being held.
Nathan Lane and Matthew Broderick insist the concept of a film based on a musical has longevity.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | Producers remake aims for cinema-goers
Mr. Crowe, who scours the playlists that people post on iTunes, keeps a notebook full of musical references for each film.
But first, we've asked critic, Bob Mondello to take us through a couple of the film's musical moments and explain how they work.
The screenwriter, whose next projects include a film about Steve Jobs and a musical about Harry Houdini, discussed TV, Facebook and a recent on-the-job injury.
That's why it's been so shrewd to sort of pitch musicals right at kids, because almost every animated film has a couple of big musical numbers in it.
This outdoor cinema, located by the iconic Victoria Harbour in the Central district, will screen a short film each night followed by a full length local classic movie, such as the 1967 musical romance Hong Kong Nocturne (7 December).
In 2006, Hudson took a supporting role in the film adaptation of the Motown musical Dreamgirls.
The last horror film directed by James Whale features a haunting musical score that helps make The Bride of Frankenstein one of the finest and most touching thrillers of its era.
Here, of their own free will, adults sat in the warm gloom and watched up to 10 puppets at any one time act out, albeit in manner even more stilted than the film, a mercifully abridged version of the musical.
Taymor's lawsuit sought half of all profits derived from the sale, license, transfer or lease of any rights in the original "Spider-Man" book along with a permanent ban of the use of her name or likeness in connection with a documentary film that was made of the birth of the musical without her written consent.
The most popular film at present in Palermo is Tano da morire, a derisive musical spoof about Cosa Nostra.
His most recent film score featured in the 2001 war thriller Enigma, while a musical version of Brighton Rock, created with lyricist Don Black, had its London premiere in 2004.
The service included a musical tribute - The Forrest Gump Suite by composer Alan Silvestri, from the Hollywood film Forrest Gump.
She recently wrote the score for "9 to 5: The Musical, " a stage version of the 1980 comedy "Nine to Five, " a film she not only starred in but for which she also composed the award-winning title song.
Some, including his Muppets and Fraggles, appeared in both television shows and movies, among them the 1984 film "The Muppets Take Manhattan, " which depicted the fuzzy crew striving to stage a Broadway musical.