On Sunday five soldiers were killed by suspected militants in a bomb attack in Yala, a neighbouring province.
BBC: Militants killed in southern Thailand attack
On Monday around 60 school girls were taken ill with similar symptoms in a neighbouring province, Parwan, the scene of another such incident in April.
BBC: Pupils boycott Afghanistan school
It quoted a woman from neighbouring Sichuan Province saying that the railway would cut her costs of doing business in Shigatse by half.
ECONOMIST: Everyone else is worried
Neighbouring Zhejiang province, a big export-manufacturing base, says 70% of foreign firms there are already unionised.
ECONOMIST: China's unions
Since there is already a world-class speed-skating rink in the neighbouring province of Alberta, the Richmond rink was designed to be converted into a multipurpose community centre after the festivities conclude.
ECONOMIST: The 2010 Winter Olympics
About 250km (150 miles) to the north, in neighbouring Shanxi province, in Pingdong, a much poorer village, 250 people live along battered dirt roads, and try to grow wheat, corn, soyabeans and winter melon on the dry, rocky mountain land.
ECONOMIST: Farmers pay the price for decades of wasteful water use
Her 61-year-old sister, on the other hand, still lives in the neighbouring province of Hebei, where she collects a meagre pension of 80 yuan a month.
ECONOMIST: China is beginning to face up to its pension problems
The story begins in 1992, when an army unit from Lanzhou in neighbouring Gansu province, drilling with state permission, made a decent oil find in Jingbian county.
ECONOMIST: In rural China, a private oil boom became a state-owned one