Fury at what was seen as an expansion of state power breathed life into a new movement - the Tea Party - which became President Obama's nemesis.
BBC: Scotus v Potus
"This is the time to be singing red songs, " wrote one Weibo user in reference to Mr. Bo's controversial role as the leader of a "new left" movement that called for a greater government role in business and public life and included a revival of Mao-era revolutionary songs.
WSJ: Online, the Political Drama Dominates Chinese Chatter
This was a new movement in U.S. to bring the animation industry to life, but also to educate the children through this.
CNN: Interview with Nelson Shin
But a new breed of life-saving robot is being developed that take their shape and movement from those limbless reptiles, and, it is hoped, will prove invaluable not only in search and rescue operations but also be a great asset to human surgery.
CNN: Snake robots slither to the rescue