When spring came, a neighbor thought Lambert-Westcott's husband had a new woman in his life.
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After industrialization a new woman, the middle class lady, was born.
But he also ushered in a new type of fashion photograph--and a new ideal woman.
Verinata, Illumina's testing unit, incorrectly cleared a New York woman's fetus of Down syndrome, according to the case report presented at a medical society meeting last month.
Investigators continue to search for the remains of Shannan Gilbert, a New Jersey woman who was last seen in May at nearby Oak Beach, where she had arranged to meet a client she had been in contact with through Craigslist.
L. was in her office, admitting a new patient, a young woman who sat with her back to the door.
By following the example of a brave New Yorker , a woman who risked her life to bring slaves along the Underground Railroad.
But while I would never choose to vote for someone simply because she's a woman, neither do I discount the very powerful impact of seeing a woman conquer new territory.
On a routine visit to a new obstetrics-gynecologist, a woman recalls being recommended hormone replacement therapy to prevent osteoporosis.
Last year, Dr. David Kreiner, a reproductive endocrinologist in New York, helped a woman have a baby at 54.
Then they picked out a new surrogate, KT, a married woman with the Indian equivalent of a seventh-grade education who has two small boys of her own.
Clinton run, "That's going to be a sharp contrast, " said Amy Siskind, co-founder of The New Agenda, a woman's advocacy group that was created by 30 Clinton supporters.
The Criminal Law Amendment Bill 2013 is meant to replace an interim law which was introduced last month following the brutal gang rape of a young woman in New Delhi.
Democrats advanced a substitute bill that would have attempted to alter the language of Graham's base legislation by creating a new legal status for harm against a pregnant woman, rather than applying two standards to one violent crime.
But a new study suggests that under some circumstances a woman's way of navigating is probably more efficient.
In a New York Times article from 1922, a woman from the National League of Women Voters said women should be placed not below but next to a man in any representation of civic virtue.
My own mother, a beautiful, uneducated woman from a working-class New York family, and my father, a young southern man from a poor sharecropping family who entered the Marines at the age of 17, represented far more to each other than just romance.
In the beginning Cory Aquino did not seem like the prototype for a new breed of democrat, much less a trailblazing woman.
As a final note, the new Dark Souls 2 trailer shows a woman handing over what looks to be a hawk feather.
Margaret tells the story of a young girl who sees a woman killed by a bus in New York City.
This woman wearing a New England waterman's clothes carried a lot of unanswered questions about her.
She was born in Detroit and moved to New York as a young woman to study design.
His new girlfriend, a sensual woman on the wrong side of 40 but of independent means, announces she is pregnant.
The one titled Network has a funny bit where a new digital camera from Japan is represented by a Japanese woman in a mini-dress.
Among the patients arriving on the river bank to have their cataracts removed and their hernias fixed at the new hospital is a pregnant woman who is bleeding alarmingly.
The incident came four months after the fatal gang rape of a woman on a New Delhi bus sparked outrage across India about the treatment of women in the country.
It is also expected that there will be at least one new witness, a woman who emerged after the first trial and who is prepared to recount a similar story about Mr Spector.
At a party recently, a woman announced to a small group her new business plan.
Allen delivers big time and gives a touching portrayal of a woman who embraces change and accepts her new technicolor self.
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Nature Medicine carried a report by Jean-Christophe Plantier of the University of Rouen and his colleagues of a new human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) detected in a Cameroonian woman.