"We've had some encounters of various sorts with" the group, Brooks said at a news briefing.
The FT's article followed a news briefing given by Microsoft to mark the first six months of Windows 8.
"Collum coal mine has failed to consistently provide employees with approved personal protective equipment" he told a news briefing.
"It's a big deal, " said Charles Lawrence, Planck project scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in a news briefing.
"We really need to do more than react after the fact, " FDA Commissioner Dr. Margaret Hamburg said in a news briefing.
"This is an issue that the Palestinians and the Israelis need to resolve, " McCormack said at a news briefing in Washington Monday.
"On our first day, we were welcomed by President Mbeki and on the last day, Nelson Mandela visited us, " the Belgian said at a news briefing.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Fifa team wraps up SA visit
"We must move away from this blanket closure and find ways to flexibly open air space, step by step, " IATA head Giovanni Bisignani told a news briefing in Paris.
His comments were echoed by Dr Karl Nygren, associate professor of obstetrics and gynaecology at Sofiahemmet Hospital in Stockholm, who told a news briefing at the conference that doctors could easily solve the problem.
It is "urgent for relevant parties to remain calm and prevent the situation from escalating and going out of control, " Luo Zhaohui, the director-general of the ministry's Department of Asian Affairs, told a news briefing.
Small increases in global temperatures due to growing amounts of "greenhouse gases" are amplified in big cities, he told a news briefing on the sidelines of U.N. negotiations to reach a global strategy against climate change.
The Rome-based agency is currently assessing needs in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, but estimates that its three-month operation would help 300, 000 people and require about 12, 000 metric tons of food, Berthiaume told a news briefing in Geneva.
Responding to questions at a news briefing in Baghdad, Pachachi said he hopes the United Nations can help with the mechanics of the political transition, such as helping develop the election process and procedures for a census and providing aid in producing a constitution.
He told a daily news briefing that "joint efforts" should be made to turn around a "tense situation".
BBC: News - North Korea 'readies rocket force' after US stealth flights
In Beijing, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told a daily news briefing that "joint efforts" should be made to turn around a "tense situation".
"We have a tremendous number of injuries, " Mr. Wilson said in a televised news briefing shortly after midnight.
China's Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei, however, said during a regular news briefing that the plane's flight was "completely normal".
China Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said at a daily news briefing that China has "expressed our regret" over Pyongyang's declaration.
China has been the victim of cyberattacks and "has laws and regulations prohibiting such actions, " the spokesman, Hong Lei, said at a regular news briefing.
"The anti-missile issue has a direct bearing on global and regional balance and stability, " Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei said at a daily news briefing.
"China again calls for the two countries to immediately stop hostility and respect each other's sovereignty, " Liu Weiming, a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said at a regular news briefing Thursday.
The Pakistan Rangers, at a recent news briefing, said the man they identified as Mr. Hayyee had been previously arrested in Punjab in 2003 but was later released due to lack of evidence, according to a Pakistani journalist who attended a briefing by the Rangers in Karachi.
WSJ: Militant Linked to WSJ Reporter Pearl's Death Arrested in Pakistan
Bill Chandler said at a Friday morning news briefing.
CNN: Driver makes dramatic underwater escape after bridge collapses
Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and other top-level Bush administration officials scheduled a news conference for later Friday and a similar briefing was in Miami.
Bush said at a historic news conference in May in the White House briefing room -- the first ever by a first lady.
Elan (nyse: ELN - news - people ) had scheduled a press briefing on data it was presenting at a major Alzheimer's conference.
Mr Carson said it was important that Gen Ntaganda's movement from the embassy to the airport was "in no way be inhibited", the Associated Press news agency quotes him as saying in a briefing to journalists in Kigali by video link from Washington.
BBC: Bosco Ntaganda: US wants swift ICC transfer from Rwanda
The news was disclosed to senators at a closed-door briefing with the FBI and Homeland Security Department officials called to discuss Monday's bombing at the Boston Marathon.
He also received a briefing on the Yeosu World Expo and met the President of Yonhap news agency, Park Jung-chan.