He will be officially presented next Monday at a news conference at Stamford Bridge.
"We want a thorough investigation of everything that transpired, " Mr Aquino told a news conference.
The primary care trust is expected to release more details at a news conference.
At a news conference, authorities would not discuss the circumstances of their kidnapping and captivity.
Esrey, Sprint's chairman and chief executive officer, in prepared remarks released before a news conference here.
The Alliance Party announced its decision at a news conference at 1000 BST on Monday.
In a news conference at the scene, protesters said they had a list of demands.
On March 22, John and Elizabeth Edwards held a news conference in Chapel Hill, N.
Rumsfeld and Franks spoke at a news conference Tuesday at Central Command headquarters near Tampa, Florida.
The company announced a casting call for candidates at a news conference in New York City.
"Without doubt I would pay (to see Brazil), " replied Dunga at a news conference on Thursday.
Masters officials spoke with Woods early Saturday morning, Ridley said at a news conference.
Party leader Mark Durkan will unveil the proposals at a news conference later on Tuesday.
At a news conference, Mr Jones said the UK government's austerity measures were not working.
"I don't have inside information on it, " Cuomo said in a news conference Thursday evening.
"Cyberspace needs not war, but rules and cooperation, " Mr. Yang said at a news conference.
Selig held a news conference Saturday and said he wanted increased penalties as soon as possible.
At a news conference in Barbados, Mr Crawford said he was coerced into making a confession.
He declined at a news conference to comment on what action the government would take.
"It may be a special, mobile, non-strategic anti-missile force, " Ivashov told a news conference.
"The scene is as horrific as you can imagine, " Fenty said in a news conference.
The revelation prompted the Notre Dame athletics director to call a news conference Wednesday.
Carnival scheduled a news conference Tuesday evening to update reporters on the situation aboard the ship.
The Colombian interior minister, German Vargas Lleras, made the announcement at a news conference in Bogota.
"We're incredibly optimistic, " Elizabeth Edwards said at a news conference in Chapel Hill, North Carolina.
"There are no indications of anthrax, " a police spokesman told a news conference on Thursday.
"We will not be in the tweaking business, " Mr Augustine said during a news conference.
But at a news conference yesterday, Paulson said he now wants to expand that.
The revelation prompted the athletics director of Notre Dame to call a news conference Wednesday.