In one instance he denied having phoned a newspaper reporter to complain about the reporter's story.
Sutton hopes to run a technology company one day and also hopes to be a newspaper reporter.
He initially worked as a newspaper reporter in Tokyo and was elected to the Diet for the first time in 1969.
He began his career in broadcast journalism in 1970 at WTMJ-TV in Milwaukee, after one year as a newspaper reporter with the Waukegan News-Sun in Waukegan, Ill.
CNN: CNN Profiles - Jim Bittermann - Senior European Correspondent
She was told by a newspaper reporter who lived in the same area, and who had become intrigued by the frequency with which her address appeared on the Net.
Keller, a newspaper reporter for most of his career, learned just how extensive the Spencer Stuart database can be when, two years ago, Dennis Carey recruited him--and asked how things were going for Honey, Keller's blind, 17-year-old beagle.
Among the other drama pickups (the only comedy, The IT Crowd, won't air until later in the season): Journeyman, about a newspaper reporter traveling through time, and Chuck, about a computer geek turned government agent who has spy secrets embedded in his brain.
There's no denying that Gore, a onetime newspaper reporter who had testy relations with the press during his 2000 campaign, presided over a lousy cable channel.
She then spoke to a local newspaper reporter after being suspended pending an investigation.
BBC: Bullying claim Essex dinner lady challenges her sacking
As a former newspaper reporter, I have always been an observer of life around me.
As a purely newspaper reporter I was literally invisible beyond the faceless by-line.
One of the American men who had disappeared in Mbarara was a Reuters newspaper reporter and the U.S. government, as well as the world press, wanted answers.
FORBES: Murders and Pensions: The Need for Forensic Investigations (March 28, 2006 )
When the editor of a Dubai newspaper sent a reporter to Quetta to cover the war in Afghanistan, he found it faster and cheaper to send expenses money through hawala.
ECONOMIST: A worldwide attempt to stop finance for terrorists
Debra Gordon, now a self-employed medical writer in Virginia, was working for a major metropolitan newspaper as a reporter when her meltdown occurred.
In the glossy, ambitious thriller " State of Play , " Russell Crowe is a powerful presence as Cal McAffrey, a veteran reporter for a newspaper that resembles the Washington Post.
In an article this week in the Hill newspaper, a reporter put to an official in the Obama administration the argument that the IRS scandal and the Justice Department's penetrations of the Associated Press and Fox News suggest the federal government has too much power.
On my last night in Moscow I met Oleg Kashin, a reporter for the newspaper Kommersant.
Thursday night, Ford's chief of staff, Mark Towhey, would not listen to questions by the Star and hung up on a reporter, the newspaper reports.
Ismail Osman, a reporter for the newspaper, told CNNI's Michael Holmes that Switzerland's longstanding tradition of letting citizen-militia keep military-issued weapons has been questioned in recent years.
But Roberto fancied being a journalist, appointed himself a trainee reporter on the newspaper his family had inherited, and worked himself up to become editor six years later.
The report, by CareerCast, says being a reporter at a newspaper, magazine or TV show is worse than waiting tables and only a tiny bit less lousy than working on an oil rig.
FORBES: Forget That Survey. Here's Why Journalism Is The Best Job Ever.
After leaving university in 1987, he worked briefly as a management consultant before becoming a trainee reporter with the Times newspaper.
Investigative journalist Yassin Musharbash, a reporter with the German newspaper Die Zeit, was the first to report on the documents.
"Nowadays, you don't give chocolates on Valentine's Day because you really like that person, " said Chun Kyung-woo, a culture reporter for a local newspaper.
Sally MagnussonI began my career as a reporter on the Scotsman newspaper in Edinburgh, moving on to the now defunct Sunday Standard in Glasgow as a feature writer.
She's a reporter with The Guardian newspaper based in London.
When I was a cub reporter on my local newspaper in the late 1970s, I returned from the magistrates court with what I thought was a front page story.
Before setting up and running the prominent Rooznegar blog, Mr Motallebi was a staff reporter on a reformist newspaper called Hayat-e-No which was shut down by the Iranian authorities in January.
Hearst's timing in leaving publishing, in 1993, probably had something to do with the death of his father, a Pulitizer-prize-winning newspaper reporter, but the road the youngest William took had everything to do with his wealth, position and polymath intelligence.
It was passed along to me by Ken Koyanagi, a reporter for a Japanese national newspaper.