The United States is close to exhausting its non-military options to prevent Iran from building a nuclear missile.
'I used to think, oh, it's a nuclear missile', he told me.
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Ronald Reagan launched his Strategic Defense Initiative in 1983 out of a conviction that it would be better to "protect American lives than to avenge them" after a nuclear missile attack.
Like a nuclear missile silo, my agency's Vatican file had its own doomsday file - a hardbound manila folder on which a typewritten sticky label had emblazoned in telex font capitals: WHAT TO DO IN CASE THE POPE DIES. While many of the instructions dated back to 1961 and could be safely ignored, it was still an interesting study in panic.
Mr Cameron's schedule included a visit to a Trident nuclear missile submarine based on the Clyde.
Colonel Myron Pankiv, the farm's director, used to command a nuclear-missile silo in Kazakhstan.
For that matter, why has the notion of a Russian nuclear missile cruiser basking in the Caribbean remained unaddressed?
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The upcoming Russian-Venezuelan naval exercises
The Russian navy has received a new nuclear missile submarine which has an escape capsule, to avoid any repetition of the 2000 Kursk disaster.
It has agreed to host the radar component of a proposed NATO nuclear missile defence shield, a project that is aimed mainly at Iran, with which Turkey has a tricky relationship.
In 2007 America concluded, controversially, that Iran had been developing a nuclear warhead for a missile, but had stopped in 2003.
While U.S. officials said there is "nothing to indicate" that North Korea can or will place a nuclear warhead atop a missile right now, most experts say it is very difficult to know the warhead and payload of a missile test in advance.
Both countries have limited command and control structures, and neither has developed the technology to recall a nuclear-tipped missile fired in error.
Analysts say North Korea is years away from being able to accurately deliver a nuclear weapon atop a long-range missile.
The US and North Korea's neighbours fear Pyongyang's ultimate goal is to put a nuclear warhead on a long-range missile that could target the west coast of the US, but it is not believed to have mastered the technology yet.
BBC: North Korea in nuclear warning after UN rocket resolution
The US and other regional allies fear North Korea is working to develop a nuclear warhead small enough to arm a missile, though it is not believed to have achieved this yet.
And that has added to the frustration over, for example, Mr Putin's backing for Syria's government or a senior Russian general's statement that the country did not rule out the possibility of a nuclear first strike against missile-defence sites.
Regional neighbours and the US fear Pyongyang is working to build a nuclear warhead small enough to put on a missile, but believe it does not yet have the capabilities to do so.
It delayed development of a new nuclear bomber and a successor to Trident ballistic-missile submarines.
The New Start treaty limits each side to no more than 800 deployed nuclear warhead delivery systems including bombers, missile launchers and nuclear submarines - a cut of about 50%.
This week, India announced it will soon fire a new missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads across much of Asia and the Middle East.
So while candidate Bush gives the impression he's more willing to cut nuclear weapons and supports a better missile defense than Al Gore, he won't provide the details that would tell voters whether his policy on those two issues is really much different from the vice president's.
CNN: Bush's missile defense plans may be indistinct from Clinton-Gore's
Friday's successful advanced missile defense test, which shot down a mock nuclear warhead in space, shows that the US is getting closer to defending the country against ballistic missile attack.
The letter was drafted by Hans Bethe, who headed the group that designed the world's first nuclear bombs and who has served as a senior adviser to previous presidents on nuclear and anti-ballistic missile issues.
CNN: US - Critics blast U.S. anti-missile system on eve of key test
It is not thought to have a missile capable of carrying a nuclear warhead.
Specifically, there has been no decision to ensure dual-capability in the next generation of tactical aircraft, and there is no planning for a next generation of a sea-based nuclear land-attack missile.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Summary of the Center for Security Policy's High-l
' He also argued that the United States should abandon plans to attack Soviet missile silos in responding to a nuclear attack.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Case Against the Halperin Nomination -- First Edition
But the first country to send a missile, even a non-nuclear one, could trigger a tit-for-tat set of reprisals that both sides could find hard to stop.
But a nuclear warhead would have to be small enough to fit onto, say, a Nodong missile - and it would have to be capable of withstanding the buffeting and other forces exerted on it during flight.
Turner -- who backs the elimination of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction -- wanted to know whether the administration has considered ridding the world of weapons of mass destruction and supporting nuclear nonproliferation, rather than pursuing a missile defense program that would cost billions.
CNN: Security adviser says U.S. must be prepared for nuclear threats
True, Kennedy rescued the world from a nuclear war by using diplomacy to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis peacefully.