But on second thoughts, the practice seemed worth a look.
BBC: Children could be spared dentists' drill
But the Supreme Court dashed that idea, summarily reversing the state court's decision without even bothering to hold any hearings about it. (The alternative, it has to be said, would have seemed deeply inconsistent.) The judgment was only a paragraph long, suggesting that Democratic hopes that the court will suddenly develop second thoughts on campaign finance are not grounded in the evidence.
ECONOMIST: The Supreme Court��s politics
East's talk is a bit long on theory and short on practice as of today -- a Samsung Chromebook isn't going to make Gordon Moore have second thoughts -- but it's food for thought in an era where ARM is growing fast, and even Microsoft isn't convinced that speed rules everything.
ENGADGET: ARM chief tosses Moore's Law out with the trash, says efficiency rules all
Kraft Foods dished up a tasty-looking second-quarter earnings report on Monday, but after investors digest it, they may have second thoughts.