Statistically, every week spent inactive is roughly equivalent to smoking a packet of cigarettes.
Falling in love with a stock is like falling in love with a packet of lard.
For a packet of potato chips like these, 75 grams of CO2 was emitted for these products.
The energy of a packet of light -- or "photon" -- is inversely proportional to its wavelength.
Those who open stores when locals are still too poor to shop there can lose a packet.
Each day, he sent to her house, on Dupont Circle, a packet of billets-doux and state documents.
He instructed me to dump a packet of salt and some government-issue powdered grape drink into my water.
Solid Snake starts off equipped with nothing more than a pair of binoculars and a packet of cigarettes.
For breakfast, he ate what was left of a packet of peanuts he had bought on the train.
But Italians should pause before celebrating: a packet of Nurofen to soothe a hangover is 70% dearer than in Amsterdam.
ECONOMIST: Price differences in Europe: The flaw of one price | The
This is one reason the Swiss banks continue to make a packet.
What, after all, is the replacement cost of a packet of dense, easily transportable energy that formed over hundreds of millions of years?
"On the day I got laid off I got a packet slapped in front of my face and that was it, " she says.
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Only two McDonnell planes were ever built in China, and the company lost a packet on the contract, which was cancelled in 1997.
She said she told him there were some in the kitchen, he helped himself to six cigarettes from a packet and then left.
But experts can tell the origin of a packet of rough diamonds, even if individual stones or mixed parcels are harder to identify.
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Four-fifths of the price of a packet of cigarettes is tax, and so is 60% of the price of a bottle of whisky.
The people at Goldman Sachs lost a packet when something happened that their computers told them should occur only once every 100 millennia.
Passengers notice it far less if an airline switches a sandwich for a packet of biscuits and a plastic cup of coffee, he says.
They are called quantum because it takes a packet of energy of a very specific size - a quantum - to create the states.
Yet in the rich world pretty nearly every packed lunch in a schoolchild's satchel contains a packet of potato crisps heavily dosed with both.
When a packet is received the router reads its intended destination, looks it up in a big table and forwards it to the next router.
The agreement will raise the tax on a packet of cigarettes from 24 cents to 34 cents in 2000, and then to 39 cents in 2002.
In my day, the classic bored teenager hung around the bus-stop with a few mates and someone produced a packet of 10 and a bottle of cider.
The first thing I bought when I was asked to follow the Millennium Centre's foundation stone on its journey to Cardiff was a packet of sea-sickness tablets.
Using a packet sniffer while his device was in airplane mode, he demonstrated how each numeric tap and every received text message is logged by the software.
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The court heard how Mr Baker bought two bottles of bleach, a packet of toothbrushes, a disposable barbecue and firelighters in the days after Mr Coates was killed.
"Some children say they have had last night's KFC for breakfast or a packet of custard creams and you can tell by their behaviour and hyperactivity, " he said.
Desserts were also found to be a surprising source of hidden salt, Cash said, with five found to contain the same or more salt as a packet of crisps.
That is plotting cigarette tax revenue as a percentage of GDP (vertical axis) against the percentage of the pricer of a packet of cigarettes that is tax (horizontal axis).