Here are few things to consider before you make gold a part of your investment portfolio.
Let me begin by thanking the Brown family for making me a part of this celebration.
Mission accomplished: customers are inspired, and Turn is a part of the industry conversation.
This is a part of our history that people still need to talk about.
We're delighted to be a part of Corsair and very excited about the future.
ENGADGET: Corsair pops the question, acquires Scotland-based Simple Audio
This is only a part of it though: the noted wealth differences are larger than 35%.
The smartest, hungriest and freshest kids moved here to be a part of it.
The workhorse military vehicles used in Iraq and Afghanistan are not a part of the deal.
"We should not make the use of violence a part of freedom of expression, " he added.
Most firewall vendors include a VPN application as a part of the firewall itself.
FORBES: Teach Your Boss to Speak Security: Economy of Mechanism
The Great Recession probably should be treated separately rather than made a part of a decade.
In effect, you constantly risk becoming a part of, and only adding, to the noise.
Sports titans literally become a part of the play and play better for it.
So I want to thank you for allowing us to be a part of this.
Curiously, though, a part of the campaign seems to be missing in the execution.
"To most women, their breasts are really a part of how they see themselves, " Youn says.
Under this plan, we would ensure that job creation is a part of any tax cut.
And the test unit that SodaStream sent me has become a part of my everyday routine.
FORBES: Hands on with SodaStream: Less Plastic Bottles, More Home Aesthetics
But Rotella views his role as a part of the new way of doing things.
The demo was a part of a larger event which consisted of multiple demos and food.
He'd moved into a one-bedroom condominium in a part of Pennsylvania Ruma did not know well.
But constitutionally, they are as much a part of France as Normandy or Provence.
Most Americans appear to believe the drug companies are at least a part of the problem.
So Head Start is very much a part of that package as he sees it.
"This is a part of being in Southern California, just like earthquakes, " Brewer said.
The men and women that we honor today are a part of this unique American tradition.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Presents Medals in Arts and Humanities
You make me grateful to be a part of this Broadway company and community.
It'd feel as if I'm losing a part of me that I'd miss so much.
So, be a part of it all and sign up for the Sport Relief Mile now.