One appealing feature of writing as a part-time job is that you can explore various fields of interest.
He also sells corn from his own small patch of land at a roadside stand in front of the family home, a part-time summer job he's done since he was nine that helps pay for college.
That 50s area ideal of a part-time job and a fixed up car is simply gone with the wind.
Of those who are staying, Low's options were the most unusual, as he has completed a law degree, has a part-time summer job with a firm of solicitors and has had an offer of more work.
The Transportation Security Administration tacitly admitted last week that a big part of its job is a complete waste of time.
Here in the U.S., he landed a part-time job in the stockroom of a Barnes and Noble, but lost it because the government was slow with his paperwork.
When he was three years old, I took a part-time job as a membership director of a professional association, knowing that my childcare expenses alone would eat up over half my salary.
FORBES: The Personal and Global Stimulus Effect of Ending the Wage Gap
But surveys show that over 70% of part-timers do not want a full-time job.
Plenty of folks have given up looking, or are working part-time when they wish they had a full-time job, which means that the true number of unemployed in America is much higher.
The new narrative Armstrong is telling us is that he was a long-time doper who saw taking drugs as just part of the job of winning bike races.
For many years -- just a few years ago, we came to Washington, I was a part of that work-family struggle to balance that full-time job, plus being an around-the-clock role -- that role you play as mom, particularly when you have a spouse who is traveling a lot.
These same feminine qualities would later catch the eye of a modeling scout while Pejic was working at his part-time job at McDonald's.
Now the owner of a modest real estate business, Moore has a part-time job lecturing other executives how to distinguish financial engineering from outright fraud.
In December 2010, Jeff Yin, 37, officially gave up a hunt for a full-time job and decided to earn his living as part of the crowd.
"There is no way in this modern world that you can guarantee a job for any period of time in any part of the world, " he told me.
The changes follow a Court of Appeal hearing concerning a job applicant, known as T, who had to disclose police cautions he had received at the age of 11 over two stolen bicycles when he applied for a part-time job at a football club.
He had a part-time job as well, and his wife also worked, out of necessity.
But he was disabused of this in 2008 when (aged 17) he sought a part-time job at the local football club.
According to the Netherlands Institute for Social Research, in 2008 only 4% of the 70% of Dutch women who worked part-time wished they had a full-time job.
Haessler is expected to work with the Super Eagles on a part-time basis as he will keep his job as the assistant coach of the German second division side Cologne.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | NFA unaware of Vogts' assistant
By contrast, the young parents, living on only one income, or if the wife has a part-time job, one-and-a-half incomes, of which the take-home portion, after deductions for tax and pension contributions, are economizing, avoiding major purchases, trying to save a little while making ends meet.
FORBES: Generational Accounting and Japan's Social Welfare State
On the other, there is a less-protected job market, which consists of most new jobs, whether part-time or temporary.
Over time your job has become just a way to stay connected and be part of something.
Celtic are offering the role on a part-time basis but a spokesman for the Finnish FA told BBC Scotland there was no chance of a job-share for Baxter.
Today we saw the number of people reporting they were in part-time work because they couldn't get a full-time job reach another record high.
"Part-time working suits millions of people and gives others the skills and experience to find a different job or take advantage of longer hours when they are available, " she said.
Before the job cuts the club had a staff of 166 full-time employees, and 154 part-time.