Russian pilots have safely landed a passenger plane in Siberia after the aircraft lost power at 10, 600m (34, 800ft).
ALMATY, Kazakhstan (AP) A passenger plane crashed Tuesday near Kazakhstan's principal city, Almaty, likely killing all 20 on board, Kazakhstan airline SCAT said.
Prosecutors accused the Bangladeshi national, who had been in the U.K. for several years, of a "chilling plan" to use his job at the airline to blow up a passenger plane.
And the fireman never responded, but the guy in front of us said that if it had been a passenger plane" -- meaning a full-size jet like the one that had, in fact, crashed into the building -- "we'd all be down.
As British Home Secretary Theresa May confirms that the packages in planes departing Dubai and the UK for the US indeed contained explosives powerful enough to destroy a cargo plane (and possibly a passenger plane, had they been on one), Iran continues to maintain that no explosives have been found.
China is building its own aircraft industry, with the initial target being a 150 passenger plane.
In 2005, a Tunisian passenger plane ended up in the sea as it was forced to make an emergency landing off the coast of Sicily.
The crash is reminiscent of one in 2010, when 152 people were killed as a Pakistani passenger plane crashed on the outskirts of Islamabad, Pakistan's capital.
Then, seemingly tired, she squints at the afternoon sun, hesitating before cracking her jaws in the yawning attitude of a passenger in a plane clearing her ears of accumulated air pressure.
The passenger plane overshot a runway at a Moscow airport on Saturday, emergency management officials said.
The 10-passenger plane has a full-sized couch, kitchen, CD and DVD players, satellite phone and fax machine.
Another option: bag matching, meant to ensure that no luggage goes on a plane unless the passenger who checked it is on board.
The average wait from when a plane landed to when the last passenger cleared immigration, not counting walking time from the plane to the immigration hall, was 23 minutes, even with only 11 booths manned, according to CBP figures.
When a passenger buys a seat on a plane, what rights do they have?
In 2003, the issue of passenger weight surfaced when a commuter plane crashed on takeoff from Charlotte, North Carolina, because of excess weight and a maintenance error.
More details emerge of a possible passenger fight-back on the plane which crashed in Pennysylvania.
I'm the first passenger to get back on a plane, even though I'm terrified, because I know somebody has to be first.
Poole still remembers the passenger who removed a fire extinguisher from the plane to take as a souvenir.
But even those statistics may or may not include incidents in which the crew requested that local law enforcement meet the plane and take control of a passenger, an FAA spokeswoman said.
In the past 6 years, we have stopped numerous attacks, including a plot to fly a plane into the tallest building in Los Angeles and another to blow up passenger jets bound for America over the Atlantic.
It's the fastest passenger plane in the world, with a top speed of 700 miles an hour.
Smidt then called 911, and a dispatcher told pilot and passenger to get out of the plane in life vests before it sank.
Part of the reason the company thinks it can lower costs is because, unlike Pegasus, it already has a carrier aircraft - the same plane that will be lifting the passenger spaceship to its launch altitude.
The passenger was taken off the plane and driven away by ambulance to a hospital, the official said.
Another passenger, charity worker Stuart Coles, spent five hours sitting on a Virgin plane from Miami that had landed at Heathrow but could not get to its stand as it had not been cleared of ice and snow.
One passenger, Mark Shorey, said passengers were given a note of apology by the airline when they got off the plane at Heathrow, but that he was not satisfied with the response.
BBC: Gatwick Airport: Air India passengers stranded on plane