The major problem, I think, is that this would be a very large piece of time consuming litigation and one never wants to advise individuals to go into litigation without being fully aware of what the possible consequences would be, and you may well find that you could be at risk for legal costs unless you find a financial backer.
Not only could this change the way the government uses your tax dollars -- because think about it, instead of having a 10-year lead time to develop a piece of equipment with all kinds of changing specs and a moving target, if we were able to collapse the pace at which that manufacturing takes place, that could save taxpayers billions of dollars.
"The 3, 784 coins span 38 years and are a fascinating little piece of history dating from a turbulent time during which the Roman Empire saw revolts rebellions, plague and invasions, " he said.
But plenty can still go wrong, and even if it doesn't, the eurozone will have wasted an enormous amount of time on a relatively small piece of the puzzle.
Early research involved a colleague lying in a deckchair in the night-time open air with a piece of string to measure the meteors, while he observed electromagnetic signals on a cathode-ray tube in a nearby hut.
By contrast, Ireland's second goal on the stroke of half-time was all about a sublime piece of individual skill.
All this sounds much more complicated than weighing from time to time a piece of metal stowed away in a vault.
One audience member asked the Home Office if it was prepared to inform customers every time a piece of their data had been accessed.
The original, directed by Paul Verhoeven, was a sci-fi classic, and a terrific piece of filmmaking for its time, so why try to top it?
How they came to be there--and why they are still going--is a story for another time, but it is very much a piece of the larger immigration puzzle.
Still, it's not the first time a lost piece of the space race era has been found.
CNN: Amazon chief plans to recover Apollo engines from seafloor
Every time a new piece of technology comes out there seems to be a mad rush to find something wrong with it.
FORBES: The Internet Finds Something The iPad Can't Do... Blade Runner
The Airwash cleans one piece of clothing at a time, with each item taking between three and 12 minutes to complete the process.
There is a notion that men lose a piece of their masculinity when they want time off to take care of their families, when they need to go part time or decide to stay home altogether with their children in lieu of their career.
It works like this: Each week, a new editions of a contemporary piece from the likes of David LaChappelle or Olivier Zahm become available for online purchase for a limited time, typically a month or less.
The insight behind these charts is that the value of an individual piece of data goes down with time and the value of a collection of data goes up with time.
You take a snippet because that seems to be the largest piece of information that YOUR mind can process at a time.
So every time we see a piece of music, there is a little difference.
WSJ: Maurizio Pollini: Not as Others See Him | Cultural Conversation by David Mermelstein
And as with the first, the piece on education spends a good deal of time considering romantic relationships.
FORBES: Bad Relationships Don't Stand in Poor Women's Way. Bad Policies Do.
They want a piece of paper, generated at a specific time and place, preferably with a date and signature on it.
Horsup works in northern hairy nosed wombat conservation, which at the time involved holding a piece of wombat excrement between his index finger and thumb.
BBC: Protecting a wombat species that is as fast as Usain Bolt
He made it back just in time, tying a piece of bungee cord to the handle outside, wrapping the other end around his arm, holding the door closed with all his might.
It might seem unfair to contrast any modern commercial with a piece of creative work that has, over time, accrued luster as one of the great TV ads in and out of the Super Bowl.
ENGADGET: Editorial: BlackBerry slumps into history of Super Bowl tech ads
Basically, Orac is saying that contrary to its claims, the study still involved deception, in the same way that a used car dealer can technically disclose to you that the car he is selling to you is a piece of junk, while at the same time he is talking the cars merits up so excitedly you hardly notice you are buying a lemon.
The group said the auction gives bidders a "chance to own a symbol of hope, a piece of history and donate to a worthy cause all at the same time".
His post on why New Agers are the new Creationists is one of my all time favorite blog posts ever, and a great companion piece to his criticism of Ben Stein.
FORBES: Roger Ebert Wasn't Just A Great Film Critic, He Was A Great American Writer
"Each time you take a piece off of principal, that is a taxable transaction, " Bowers said.
This time, though, a piece of food was dangled in front of each rat, to give it a motive to move.
ECONOMIST: An experiment on rats brings hope to the paralysed