Since you may take a month, or ten months, or several years to turn one idea into a piece of writing, what governs the choice?
For me the most interesting aspect is the act of creativity itself, how a novel piece of writing emerges or a new insight into science takes place.
The concerns centre on a section of the English test, where pupils are asked to produce a piece of creative writing - an area which has attracted complaints in recent years.
"This was a very intricate piece of writing which is completely unusual for a neophyte or a beginning playwright, " says Jim Simpson, the founder and artistic director of The Flea Theater, where "The Vandal" is playing.
The fact that none other than John Updike chronicled that game in a now legendary piece of writing was an added bonus.
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Maybe you should do research and show you are a journalist instead of writing a fluff piece like this.
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There was one bloke picking up a phone, calling a couple of dozen retailers, writing down what they had sold on a piece of paper and then compiling it into a chart.
Since leaving Pfizer, I have spent a good deal of time defending the pharmaceutical industry, having written a couple of books and by writing the occasional piece for
So instead of writing a long winded piece on my reactions, I offer you a list in a twitter sort of way.
Already, some snark artists are accusing me of writing a "favorable" piece.
And finally, since the world is a strange and wonderful place sometimes, while writing this piece an email came from some friends of mine with their Xmas gift: a donation in my name to Doctors Without Borders.
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Tina has four standout arias, tracing her awakening to life and feeling after years in the shadows, as the Lodger seduces her to get access to the papers. (Their a cappella duet at the end of Act I is an ingenious piece of writing.) As Juliana, the fierce Alexandra Deshorties slipped easily from embodying the young opera diva, warbling bel canto-style coloratura, to the old crone.
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At first, writing personal essays for Chinese kids who wanted to study abroad sounded like a piece of cake.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Young China | Tips From an Expert