That's eight times the price of Carnation dry milk and a pinch of baking soda.
Given these figures, today's saintly rhetoric needs to be taken with a pinch of salt.
So take the polls with a pinch of salt and a double margarita.
Do you take Wikipedia at face value, or with a pinch of salt?
Still, wise investors will take future ratings with a pinch of salt, as most hedge funds have long done.
Lacche took a pinch of the stuffing and rolled it between her fingers.
The drippings, along with a pinch of sugar, will caramelize the cabbage as it transforms into something slick and smoky.
WSJ: Amaryll Schwertner's Egg Noodles With Braised Cabbage, Bacon and Potatoes | Slow Food Fast
But this should be taken with a pinch of salt, since any deal is likely to be hedged with exceptions.
Professor McKenna says evidence is emerging that speeders tend also to take many of society's other rules with a pinch of salt.
But during these gloomy days, a pinch of optimism might be the best medicine, both for your spirit and for your 2008 returns.
However, hotelier and member of Beddgelert Tourist Association in north Wales, Rae Duffield said the guide should be taken "with a pinch of salt".
Mash an avocado with a pinch of salt and a drizzle of oil, and you'll find it an ideal condiment and flavor conduit for nearly any meal.
Add a few circuits with a pinch of software and the sensor-only camera can produce up to ten images per second, but the catch is Duke's only works at microwave frequencies.
Some of these strictures need a pinch of salt.
ECONOMIST: Bill Clinton in Arkansas: I fought the law... | The
Sure, it still has all the upscaling goodness of its older brother but add a pinch of networking and a dash of high-end audio circuitry to create a slick home media device.
Likewise, when the men take a pinch of coca and ground seashell, which they prepare in a poporo gourd, it represents the balance of female (the gourd) and the male (the chewer).
Given the chance to try whale in Tokyo, I said okay, at the same time experiencing all the familiar feelings that go along with eating a forbidden thing: guilt, a little giddiness, a pinch of dread.
Take a pinch of Goodness Gracious Me, My Beautiful Launderette, East is East, etc and add Alison Steadman's brilliant Abigail (pinched with gusto by the fabulous Juliet Stevenson from Mike Leigh's "Abigail's Party") and you have it.
Sassicaia and the luxury-wine boom sprinkled a pinch of fairy dust over the Maremma, a place whose outside appeal was previously confined to the tourists who swarm on the coast in July and August, and the enclaves of wealthy Florentines and Romans who keep beach houses and hunting cabins there (and keep to themselves).
"Take the troika's forecasts of Greek GDP with a hefty pinch of salt, because the economy is in free fall, " said Simon Tilford, an economist at the Centre for European Reform in London.
Of course, take any of these patent applications with a generous pinch of salt -- we haven't seen an Apple stylus yet, for example -- but perhaps this is the reason Apple bought fingerprint sensor maker AuthenTec back in July.
ENGADGET: Apple files patent application for fingerprint sensor that can be transparent or opaque
Like all official figures in Russia, this should be taken with a large pinch of salt.
The Big Mac numbers should be taken with a generous pinch of salt.
Bristol mayor George Ferguson has said the report's job growth figures "should be taken with a slight pinch of salt".
But it does suggest that, especially in today's febrile market, all promises should be taken with a large pinch of salt.
ECONOMIST: Most mergers disappoint. So why do firms keep merging?
Ben Yearsley, investment manager at independent financial advisers Hargreaves Lansdown, argues that professionals are increasingly taking analysts reports with a hefty pinch of salt.