• Reporters at The Plain Dealer, a local newspaper, along with officials at City Hall and most of Cleveland have largely bought the union's story.

    ECONOMIST: Lessons from the death of LTV

  • Rachel Dissell is a reporter with the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

    NPR: The Missing Women Were Seemingly In Plain Sight

  • This "tradition" is not something you will find in the US. What many would see as a fairly innocuous picture of John Boehner received a fair bit of outrage from readers of the Plain Dealer in Ohio, yet the reason for publication was simply one of meeting a deadline.

    BBC: Picturing our politicians

  • Mr. MARK NAYMIK (Reporter, Cleveland Plain Dealer): I saw a very energized Democratic Party ticket led by the gubernatorial candidate and a colleague of U.S. Senate candidate Sherrod Brown.

    NPR: Ohio Senate Contest Shows Incumbent Seats Aren't Safe

  • Well, Connie Schultz knows a lot about Ohio and writes about it as a Pulitzer Prize-winning columnist for the Cleveland Plain Dealer.

    NPR: In Ohio, Delegates May Hinge on Job Issues

  • Columbus Mayor Michael Coleman on Friday accused Blackwell of putting a future run for governor above the voters of Ohio, The Plain Dealer reported.

    CNN: Ohio's Blackwell used to?spotlight

  • However, Barbara Knight told the Plain Dealer newspaper she never believed she would have vanished without a trace of her own accord.

    BBC: US & Canada

  • In the 10 years Berry was missing, the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper published 36 articles about her, according to a search of electronic news archive Lexis-Nexis.

    BBC: Magazine

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