With mapping, adjusters could see if a claim was coming from outside the area hit by a power outage.
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Webster notes that the Sakata region has been hit with a power outage that has affected the Seiko Epson facility.
She and her husband started charging up their cell phones, laptops and tablet computers Monday in anticipation of a power outage.
What if we could share the core technology of an application that combines geo-specific information, like a power outage, with real-time alerts?
Rarely a day goes by without some story about how cable theft has disrupted a train journey or caused a power outage.
And on June 22, when a power outage managed to halt Switzerland's famously on-time trains, Nemitz's passengers had no idea there was trouble.
Under an unnaturally black sky is this lateral plane of illumination, because, as it turns out, we have a power outage in town.
Last week, a power outage at the main refinery in Baji, in northern Iraq, cut production from two millions gallons a day to 400, 000.
The three strangers meet on their homeward journey and agree to share a car when flights out of JFK are suspended after a power outage.
All projects will be capable of operating during a power outage.
If there was a power outage or an internet problem at my house, which not infrequently happens due to storms, everyone is shut down, including me.
On Wednesday, Knight Capital, one of the largest market-makers, was forced to shut down its equity trading operations after a power outage hit their back up generators.
C. yesterday, moderator Scott Clavenna asked for a show of hands of how many people had experienced a power outage due to weather in the last year.
The financial sector suffers heavier economic losses during a power outage than nearly any other sector, which makes reliability a critical issues for many firms in New York.
We would gladly trade the mighty inconvenience of days of a power outage for the safety of everyone and the least amount of damage to property possible in such a situation.
In addition, the Controller can delay restart or sequence re-start of appliances to prevent them from coming-back on line simultaneously after a power outage, which can also cause unstable grid conditions.
Spending a bit too lavishly on deal advisers and lawyers in the acquisition of McDowell Research and losing three days of production due to a power outage in Western New York are to blame.
His deep-freeze freezer had 3 inches of solid ice at the bottom because of a power outage two winters ago -- and that helped keep some chicken cold enough to be safe for cooking.
Similarly, in Glastonbury, CT, a Whole Foods grocery store kept the coolers running during a power outage with its 200-kW fuel cell made by UTC Power, which dramatically reduced inventory losses resulting from food spoilage.
Maxim (MXIM): The chip maker said there has been no damage to its partner facility, Seiko Epson, from the earthquake, but that a power outage has affected production at the facility, in Sakata, Japan.
All that information would also make it easier for companies to participate in utility demand-response programs, in which they agree to use less electricity when needed to avoid a power outage in exchange for lower electricity rates, he added.
The amendment would require gas stations located within a half-mile of a highway exit or hurricane evacuation route to be prewired for backup generators, which would allow electric pumps to continue to pump fuel in the case of a power outage.
RVs can be invaluable in emergencies--from high-tailing it out of harms way during a hurricane or tornado to setting up shop in your driveway during a power outage, like many on the East Coast did during the blackout of August 2003.
That's what several major Web sites learned Tuesday afternoon when a power outage in downtown San Francisco disabled 365 Main , a Web server company that hosts sites including Craigslist, Technorati, SixApart, Yelp, GameSpot, the homepage of Sun Microsystems (nyse: SUN - news - people ) and Red Envelope.
Restoring the electric grid after a severe power outage is a massively complex exercise that demands logistical expertise, highly-skilled technical workers and specialized equipment.
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In New Jersey, bills also have been introduced to require gas stations to run generators within 24 hours of a widespread power outage during a state of emergency.
These experts said such a localized power outage would cascade to other parts of the grid, expanding the blackout.
But elsewhere in the world, Elop said his cheapest device would appeal as either a failsafe that users can turn to when their smarter handsets are struck dumb by power outage or as a novelty stand-in for costlier, bigger devices.