We are currently in a predicament with all currencies at high risk.
Many developed countries are in a predicament, as fiscal austerity attempts have led to weaker-than-expected growth in Greece, Ireland, Portugal, Spain and Italy.
As Beijing figures out what to do, it is keeping interest spreads wide to bolster the banks, hoping that they can earn their way out of a predicament.
If you do get in a predicament like this, where it continues to be very awkward or uncomfortable, you have two options: remove yourself from the situation, or file a complaint.
Although indirect sales is a key component to scaling revenue as the start up gets bigger and provides the scalable reach, the lack of control in indirect deals results in a predicament around accurate sales forecasts.
Business professionals are in a similar predicament, on a day-to-day basis, with the technology they use.
Mrs Beale does not drive so is concerned travelling to another school would be a "predicament".
BBC: Whitbourne School faces closure in July as numbers fall
During his first tenure as prime minister, Netanyahu faced a similar predicament with the Clinton administration.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Scott Brown Precedent and Israel
Other parts of the state such as northern England also find themselves in a similar predicament to Wales.
The couple kept a detailed account of their journey on a blog, which they hope will help others in a similar predicament.
This is a developing predicament: In both China and India, for example, solid-waste generation is expected to double in the next 20 years.
Mr Dow is unable to save Quaker, largely because the case was badly mishandled by his initial lawyer, a common predicament for death-row inmates.
ECONOMIST: The death penalty: Theirs but to do and die | The
Lagos, Nigeria - Extremely wealthy folks often have to deal with a major predicament: How to subtly demonstrate their pre-eminence and superiority over the merely rich.
If we were merely faced with having to make adjustments to our ability to transport things and people, we would not be in such a dire predicament.
But I'm actually talking about his predecessor David Whalley, Liberal Democrat leader of the old Cornwall County Council, who found himself in a similar predicament in 2008.
Whatever the divisions, some hopeful Labour souls insist that, if Mr Brown can fight his way out of a bleak predicament once, he can do it again.
My biggest surprise was that the Oprah interview did not descend into the all too common excuses and crocodile tears we have seen from those in a similar predicament.
This places institutional investors in a unique predicament.
FORBES: Fossil Fuel Divestment Is A Timely Issue For Investors
Although Mr Fischer told the BBC News website he was disappointed BA limited its admission of sex discrimination to his case, he said his case would help any other men who faced a similar predicament.
By the end of the day Bush aides were calling their predicament a strategy.
Unless we create ways for the immigrants of the future to enter legally, we're going to find ourselves in exactly the same predicament a decade or two down the road -- wondering what to do about 10 or 20 million unauthorized immigrants living among us but beyond the rule of law.
Maradona, though, has blamed his side's predicament on a lack of time spent with the payers.
Mr Maliki has thus announced a plan to set up a multi-confessional coalition, making a virtue of his predicament.
After modeling them out over the next five years I've concluded they're in a no-growth predicament, but drowning in free cash flow.
Jimmy Sanchez, the youngest miner at 19, told his girlfriend he is afraid of the dark, confined spaces and the spirits of dead miners -- a harrowing trifecta for a man in his predicament.
Baucus' predicament is one that a group of Democrats like him in the West and South are facing.
Taddeo is aghast at how calmly Isabella accepts their predicament, but after a quarrel about his jealousy they decide it's best to work together.