The Congolese government, which is holding talks with rebel leaders at Sun City, a South African resort, proposed that President Joseph Kabila should share power with a prime minister chosen from the rebel groups.
They are calling for an immediate moratorium on new appointments, a new cap so that the Lords never has more than 750 members, a new mechanism that would allow peers to retire, and fresh curbs on the power of a prime minister to appoint so many peers in the first place.
Japan must implement a new system in which the Japanese people directly elect their prime minister, who has a power of veto over proposed legislation.
Under this scenario, Kim would retire as a figurehead president for the rest of his term and real power would pass to a prime minister, presumably Kim Jong Pil.
And it would open up a rival power base to that of the prime minister, something a Westminster system is not designed to cope with.
It's a fragile peace because the underlying issue that sparked weeks of violence has not been settled - a Shiite power struggle between Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki and anti-American cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
One of the sticking points was how much power a new prime minister, most likely to be Mr Tsvangirai, would have in a new administration if Mr Mugabe stayed on as president.
Second, Algeria is not occupied by a foreign power, and the targets, the prime minister's office and a police station, were in no way connected to any occupation.
Philip Johnson's legendary and persuasive charm was a prime tool in his arsenal of power.
WSJ: Philip Johnson: Short of Attention Span, Long on Aesthetics
Ministers from the elected parliament now wield real power, under a prime minister who, although appointed by the king, is a former leftist revolutionary and inmate of Hassan's jails.
If it wishes, the army can therefore quickly restore the suspended parliament and persuade it to elect a pliant prime minister and to approve a constitutional role for the army in power-sharing.
Electoral reform in Scotland and Wales has achieved its object of ensuring that a party without a majority of the votes cannot claim the arbitrary power of a sovereign majority, though the prime minister appears to have been surprised to discover that this was the case.
The Highlands and Islands has been seen as a prime location for wind, wave and tidal power projects.
But now pro-Western Viktor Yanukovich is back as prime minister and is locked in a bitter power struggle with President Yushchenko.
Washington (CNN) - Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John McCain (R-Arizona) said Tuesday that Time-Warner Cable's retransmission dispute with Disney-ABC is a prime example of the negative effect the concentrated power of media conglomerates can have on the average American.
Incumbent Francois Bozize, a former army head who seized power in a coup in 2003, is favourite to win against former Prime Minister Martin Ziguele.
Former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto has been negotiating a power-sharing deal with Musharraf.
Alternatively, MPs themselves could vote for an early dissolution - a power currently in the hands of the prime minister.
And for all Mr Gandhi's shortcomings as a campaigner, Congress's rivals have yet to find a candidate for prime minister with comparable crowd-pulling power.
And it could be objected that Mr Casini's plan for a grand coalition to keep in power an unelected prime minister is democratically questionable.
Though he is playing his cards close to his chest, his fans think he may be a radical who reshapes Whitehall to serve prime-ministerial power.
Inconceivable, that is, except to a prime minister who really believed in the devolution of power, the revival of local democracy and all the rest.
The president was responding to suggestions that he may be serving as a ceremonial facade while all the power remains with Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, the former president.
The other main contender, Sergei Ivanov, the defence minister (and also a deputy prime minister) embodies a different notion of Russia's future: as a great but embattled imperial power.
The two later entered into a power-sharing agreement, with Odinga named prime minister and Kibaki named president.
The two later entered into a power-sharing agreement, with Odinga named prime minister.
CNN: Kenyan leaders to stand trial on human rights violations
It accuses Prime Minister Nouri Maliki, a Shia, of monopolising power.
On November 29th, the coalition led by Mahathir Mohamad, Malaysia's prime minister, was returned to power with a majority barely dented by the turbulence of the past two years (see article).
The acceleration of talks comes less than a month after Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe signed atomic-power treaties with Turkey and the United Arab Emirates, the first such move since the Fukushima disaster.
Sharif's return was widely seen as a challenge to Musharraf's efforts to reach a possible power-sharing deal with another exiled former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto that would allow him to extend his rule.