Dubin, a professor emeritus of modern classical languages at the College of Saint Benedict and St.
Norum, a professor emeritus in the department of nutrition at the University of Oslo, was not.
Reverse mortgages have a bad rap, says Jack Guttentag, a professor emeritus at Wharton.
FORBES: Mortgage Professor Helps Seniors Shop For Reverse Mortgages
Sharpe, a professor emeritus at Stanford, invented the Sharpe Ratio for measuring the risk-adjusted performance of investments.
FORBES: A New Way Of Calculating The Brutal Arithmetic Of Fund Fees
The brains behind the original machine is Marvin Minsky, a professor emeritus at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
WSJ: Looking for Something Useful to Do With Your Time? Don't Try This
Mr Slater, a professor emeritus of Victorian literature at Birkbeck College, London, has probably forgotten more about Dickens than most people will ever know.
Huff is a research associate at Harvard in the Department of Astronomy and a Professor Emeritus in Policy Studies at University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth.
FORBES: The Best Book of 2011: Why Science Emerged in the West
Zipes, a professor emeritus of German and comparative literature at the University of Minnesota, has written sixty books on or of folk tales: critical studies, collections, translations.
Stars offer something of a safe bet in an otherwise unpredictable industry, according to Arthur De Vany, a professor emeritus of economics at the University of California, Irvine.
"Declining industrial imports feed back into declining output, " said Joseph S. Berliner, a professor emeritus of economics at Brandeis University who has been studying the Soviet economy since 1950.
This 2.5-hour video and handbook are based on years of research on emotional intelligence in children, led by John Gottman, a professor emeritus of psychology at the University of Washington.
Back at Twentynine Palms, Ken Nagy, a professor emeritus in biology from UCLA studying the reproductive habits of the reptiles, held a baby tortoise in one hand, its shell still soft.
WSJ: An Army of Biologists Are on Nature Patrol at Military Bases
"It may be a major disaster, " says Max Fink, MD, a professor emeritus of psychiatry and neurology at Stony Brook University Medical Center, in New York, who researched and performed ECT for 45 years.
More than 5, 000 years ago, courtyards were built in the Middle East and China as a protective mechanism both from harsh weather and unfriendly neighbors, says John Reynolds, a professor emeritus of architecture at the University of Oregon.
The basic technology comes from Hendrik Monkhorst of the University of Florida and Norman Rostoker, a professor emeritus of physics and astronomy at University California Irvine that has been working in plasma physics for years.
FORBES: Hollywood, Silicon Valley and Russia Join Forces on Nuclear Fusion
"If they don't have access to learning a sign language that's already in existence, then a community of deaf people will find a way to communicate, " said Leanne Hinton, a professor emeritus at the University of California at Berkeley.
But perhaps for radon concentration in the air, a radiation level of 5 to 10 picocuries per liter is about right for maximum benefit, speculates Myron Pollycove, a professor emeritus of laboratory medicine and radiology at the University of California, San Francisco.
Ten years ago, her seventy-four-year-old father, Jack Block, a professor emeritus of psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, was admitted to a San Francisco hospital with symptoms from what proved to be a mass growing in the spinal cord of his neck.
David Brodzinsky, a Rutgers University professor emeritus and a leader in the field of adoption research, says he's not surprised that some psychological problems were more common in a group of adopted children.
This was hardly unexpected, as the advisory board was stacked with GPS industry insiders including Brad Parkinson, a Stanford professor emeritus who sits on the Trimble Navigation board.
FORBES: As Icahn Circles, LightSquared Lashes Out At GPS Critics
"It is going to make his legacy a little bit more colorful because he is not exactly the kind of guy you expect that from, " said Maurilio Vigil, a political science professor emeritus at Highlands University in Las Vegas, N.
Samuel Walker, a criminal-justice professor emeritus at the University of Nebraska who testified for the plaintiffs, said in a later interview with The Wall Street Journal that the sheer size and influence of the NYPD means that Judge Scheindlin's rulings would have national importance.
Such a view is a slanderous misjudgment, says Peter Gay, emeritus professor of history at Yale, whose new book is a witty and sophisticated defence of the Victorian middle class.
In the debut issue of a new open access online journal, Euresis, Owen Gingerich, Professor Emeritus of Astronomy and the History of Science at Harvard, offers a fascinating essay on Johannes Kepler and his book Astronomia Nova.
Mr. Diamond is professor emeritus at MIT and a Nobel laureate in economics.
Shortly after the boson news this year, Edinburgh University, where Higgs is an emeritus professor, announced a new centre that would carry his name.
BBC: Peter Higgs: honour for physicist who proposed particle
"The legislation here imposes a number of liabilities on lenders, " says Jack Guttentag, professor emeritus of finance at the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School of Business, who writes a nationally syndicated column on mortgages.
Michael Zemel, a co-author of the study and professor emeritus at the University of Tennessee's Department of Nutrition, says three daily servings of dairy containing whey and its nutrients could help guard against inflammation.
This month, we start things off with a visit to Santa Cruz, where UCSC professor emeritus David Cope has spent decades developing classical music composing computer programs, work he began after one particularly bad bout with writer's block.
The strain on families during the reintegration has parallels to families with spouses who travel a lot for business, said Frederic Medway, distinguished professor emeritus of psychology at the University of South Carolina.
CNN: Experts: Parents' deployment puts kids at high risk for problems