Greece is heading toward new elections next month, with polls suggesting a narrow victory for a radical leftist party that wants to tear up an international loan agreement which forced the government to make deep budget cuts.
Worse still, the next day, Raul Alfonsin, a former president and head of the Radical Party, mused openly about a debt moratorium.
They cited, for example, Jose Genoud, the Senate's deputy president and a member of Mr de la Rua's Radical party, who has a staff of 60.
The opposition alliance, which links Frepaso with the ancient, soft-left Radical party, called a debate in Congress.
He says that Mexico's deep inequalities mean that the PRD cannot just be a moderate European centre-left party, but nor can it be so radical as to become a movement outside the country's institutions.
His party wanted him to be a radical, but Thatcherite radicalism went beyond what his more conservative disposition--and voters--would stomach.
The party that was formed as a more radical movement against apartheid has been all but swept away by the ANC.
But the Radical party leader is Raul Alfonsin, a former president who is more critical of free-market policies than is Mr de la Rua.
ECONOMIST: Argentina’s Mr Boring plods to victory by default | The
The Radical party, the non-Peronist pole of a two-party system since 1945, has all but disappeared: its official candidate won just 2% of the vote.
This week, the Turks went to the polls and re-elected Prime Minister Recip Erdogan and his radical Islamic AKP party to lead the country for a third term.
The Moderate Party was trounced in 2002 when it ran on a radical platform that promised to slash taxes and gut the Swedish welfare state.
Mr Stratoulis, from the the radical-left party Syriza, said he was leaving a football match at the Olympic stadium when he was approached by the men.
Elisa Carrio, an ex-member of Mr de la Rua's Radical party, had hoped to use the election as a launch-pad for a populist bid for the presidency.
She was elected to parliament as a member of the anti-establishment, and at times absurdist, Radical Party.
ECONOMIST: Emma Bonino, Europe��s commissioner for the future
Had he proposed a more radical brew, he really might have been ejected by his own party.
The Serbian Radical Party (SRS) is led by Vojislav Seselj, a war crimes suspect behind bars in The Hague.
Mr de la Rua's Radical party is the senior partner, the other being Frepaso, a collection of Peronist dissidents and former leftists.
ECONOMIST: Argentina’s Mr Boring plods to victory by default | The
He concedes that New York is still stifled by local government bureaucracy, and complains (a little disingenuously) that party politics has prevented his reforms from being more radical.
His fellow MEP and leadership candidate Gerard Batten, campaigning in a bright pink UKIP blazer, said he wanted to make the party more radical and take it forward so it appealed across the board of electors.
The lower chamber of Congress has frequently served as a foil for Presidential candidates trying to distance themselves from the more radical elements in their party.
This is why Livni's rival for party leadership Shaul Mofaz has adopted a peace plan that is even more radical than Livni's plan to give Fatah everything it wants.
The populist, right-wing Freedom Party, led by the ardently anti-European Geert Wilders, offered voters a radical alternative: abandon the union altogether.
BBC: Netherlands election analysis: Dutch show faith in Europe
By 1996, the party in Congress had shifted so sharply that Mr Clinton could agree to a truly radical Republican idea, the end of the automatic federal entitlement to welfare.