Police fear there may be more victims of a rapist convicted of attacking four women.
Under the existing laws, a rapist faces a term of seven to 10 years.
An Indian judge on Thursday sentenced a rapist to 10 years in prison, just eight days after receiving the case.
Nor could the theft of money and a mobile phone from the flat be used to bolster the allegation that Mr Mutebi was a rapist.
The court is hearing a plea to end the life of Aruna Shanbaug, a nurse in Mumbai who has been paralysed and considered "brain-dead" since she was attacked by a rapist in November 1973.
The case involves a convicted rapist and murderer who argues that the injections may be unnecessarily painful.
His father was a convicted rapist and Hinton had previous convictions including burglary.
Police described the former TA Parachute Regiment captain as "a predatory rapist" and said they feared more women may have been his victim.
But at the end of August she was found living in a warren of tents and sheds in a convicted rapist's overgrown back yard in Antioch, California.
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The case of Naomi Bryant, murdered by a released rapist, and John Monckton, whose killer was also being supervised, generated negative press coverage and questions about the nature of Probation Service supervision.
They were thoroughly humiliated by Bush senior's attack dog, the late Lee Atwater, who used everything from the state of Boston harbour to the activities of Willie Horton, a murderer and rapist, to destroy Mr Dukakis.
Their documentary examines the notorious case of five teenage boys from Harlem who were sent to prison for the 1989 assault and rape of a white middle-class woman in Central Park, a crime to which a known serial rapist confessed many years later.
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Blunders by police hunting the Night Stalker rapist - including a failure to probe a sighting of his car - left him free for years, a report has said.
The developments in DNA technology threw up a link between Witton Park and another rape attack near Leigh and as a result a link with a family member of the rapist.
Mr Singh said the alleged rapist had been arrested and a case had been registered against him.
Earlier this year, international outrage erupted over the plight of a 16-year-old Moroccan girl who committed suicide after a court ordered her to marry her rapist.
The men include the 'Bermondsey Beast' rapist Michael Roberts, 46, who became one of a small group of "life means life" prisoners after raping three victims and attacking a fourth in Bermondsey, south London.
The CODIS system can also help investigators more easily link a series of crimes to one person as was the case of the recent Long Beach rapist.
CNN: Solving the cold case: Time, DNA and ingenuity can help