Since that time, Judy has been a regular consultant working with the Army on a number of challenges that face its leaders and its fighting men and women.
FORBES: 82 Percent Of People Don't Trust The Boss To Tell The Truth
After years in the bush, the rebels are sick of fighting, horribly malnourished and surrendering in their thousands in the hope of a few bowls of maize porridge and a pay packet in the regular army.
The men, many of whom were unable to join the regular Army, played a vital role in guarding vulnerable installations.
According to the Third Geneva Convention itself (the one covering POWs), for a person to qualify as a POW and be accorded the treatment proscribed in said convention, that person must be affiliated (either regular army or militia meaning some sort of uniform) with a "High Contracting Power" (a state that was party to the convention but for argument's sake we'll say any state).
In 2011, a further reduction of 12, 000 was identified for the regular Army, as the government seeks to put greater emphasis on military reserves.
Dr Fox revealed that the regular army, which had escaped relatively unscathed with a reduction of only 7, 000 by 2015 (the year after it should cease combat operations in Afghanistan), would be cut by a further 5, 000 in 2015, and by 20% (from 101, 000 to 82, 000) by 2020.
At one polling station, we found a unit of Iraqi special forces - with noticeably better equipment than regular army soldiers - were in charge of security, searching everyone going in.
So a growing army of angry taxpayers must calculate their taxes twice, first the regular way, then the AMT way, and pay the higher.
To keep public opinion on his side, General Hillier made regular appearances on television accompanied by Afghan veterans, bringing him a level of fame previously unknown for an army officer in Canada.
He joined the TA 16 years ago after serving in the regular Army with the Coldstream Guards and Household Division from the age of 15, retiring as a senior drum major who led parades at prestigious events such as the Trooping of the Colour.
Prominent Pakistani commentator Zafar Hilaly, who was also on the show, reacted by saying that while the mutilation of anyone was a "reprehensible act", it was "utter rubbish" to suggest that the regular soldiers of the Pakistan Army were involved.