As a general rule, a rich person is someone with a higher income than the person being asked.
Moreover, the studies do not distinguish between permanent changes in a rich person's taxable income and temporary effects that are due to timing alone.
ECONOMIST: How much do high-income people respond to tax changes?
In a free society if the state wants a rich person to pay more in taxes, the state has to motivate that rich person with a sense of purpose.
But let's say you're a very, very rich person and besides giving a lot of money away, you want to spend it on something big.
By asking a person's opinion of colleagues, the company he works for and where he sees himself in five years' time, a rich image of the person can be created.
You can only afford a product, because some rich person invented it for the masses, just like they did with smartphones, hard drives and affordable air travel.
Now, instead of one rich person getting a lot of what he wants, ten or twenty not-so-rich people would be able to get more of what they want.
Psychologists have developed a system that translates a person's gut instincts into a rich picture of personality.
That a person can become indecently rich by providing neither service nor product instructs a world of onlookers to do likewise.
The Slate website has run with the "Rich Person Discovers He Is a Republican" narrative.
Kenya, less than half as rich per person as Pakistan, has a schooling system rated three times better.
The second trend is towards immersion, in which people seek premium experiences on huge TVs and in theaters, and they want nothing to get in the way of their escapism: that's why the Olympic footage we saw had no commentary and no info-rich graphical overlays -- nothing except what a person at the event would see or hear.
ENGADGET: BBC shows off 33-megapixel Super Hi-Vision Olympic footage, we ask: why?
If one is to be truly successful (and rich), he or she also needs to be a business person.
We expect that person to be rich, and that's a good thing.
WHITEHOUSE: Presidential Press Conference on a Historic Congressional Session | The White House
Mr. Ellena's slim book is rich with insights into the mind of a Frenchman and of a creative person in thrall to his craft.
His 15-person company, Rich Duncan Construction, handles about 50 projects a year such as renovating offices, building restaurants or doing seismic upgrades on airport towers.