' With visitors looking on agog, Will theatrically describes a recent experience of 'feeling a sudden chill in the house as the lights refused to work', and of the current owner 'walking into the icy basement and feeling a hand running down her back'.
After knee replacement surgery a few years ago, Traum stopped running himself and switched to a hand-crank wheelchair, which is low, has three wheels and is moved by the user's arms.
While on foot, Russell noticed a man down the street with what looked like a pipe in his hand running toward two National Guard members.
Dick Cheney and Colin Powell have both got first-hand experience of running a war, Mr Cheney as defence secretary during Desert Storm, Mr Powell as chairman of the joint chiefs of staff.
If you swipe that strip the other way, you can also bring up a list of open applications running along the left-hand side of the screen.
He threw out roughly one-third to one-half of them, many of which were annotated, and the rest have to be hand-cleaned individually by running a vacuum over the spine and sides.
Although the act is unlikely to become law anytime soon, would-be immigrants with half a million dollars in hand need not despair: America has a visas-for-cash scheme up and running.
This kind of urgency carries over to fiction, where a ticking clock a sense of time running out can make the pages seem to snap by with the speed of a second hand.
WSJ: Word Craft: Benjamin Percy, Author of Red Moon, on the Ticking Clock
Her idea is to install it and then hand over the running of it to a woman or a group of women who can turn it into a business.
FORBES: In Pakistan One Woman Tries To Help The Thousands Hit By the Floods
But on the other hand, he adds, the company is running into a less favorable component environment.
Maffei's role as Malone's right-hand man since 2005 could make him suited to running a modern media property.
Police, on the other hand, are aware their cameras are running and as a result could put their best foot forward.
Sure, Romney will want a running mate who balances his weaknesses with conservatives and maybe can lend a hand in a key state or two.
His father, nearing retirement and with no hope of selling a one-client shop, lured Morean home to try his hand at running Jabil in the winter of 1977.
We went to the left-hand side of the ring where there was a zip-like line running up the eight-foot high construction.
But it was the home side who created the first opening when Peter Lipcsei sent Rosa running clear into the box - only for Graham Stack to stretch out a hand to block his clipped shot.
Similarly, airline passengers would have been far less inconvenienced in December if carriers had not been running at near-record load factors and if they had been keeping a few extra planes on hand for emergencies.
Putin is running for President, marking his second return after his hand picked successor, Medvedev, served a one year term.
FORBES: Russian Police Get One Week To Report On Alleged Voter Fraud
Thing is, for us (and likely many of you), they last far longer than our clinically-diagnosed Gadget Attention Deficit Disorder would ever tolerate -- but for your dad, your sister, your college buddy with the hand-me-down ZEOS Pantera running Windows 95, or anyone weary of re-upping a two-year commitment, a handset can easily become a serious long-term investment.
ENGADGET: Nielsen stats: a lot of iPhones out there, but also a lot of everything else