"It's been in the news, and I think about it, but it doesn't personally affect me, " said Corrina Waxman, 21, a film student at Purchase College, a small liberal arts school just north of New York City.
CNN: U: War hits home for some, remains remote for others
So he joined the board of Simon's Rock College, a liberal arts school in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.
FORBES: Magazine Article
So he lit out for the Berkshires and joined the board of Simon's Rock College, a liberal arts school in Great Barrington, Mass.
FORBES: Magazine Article
The new partners cover a broad range of institutions, from Ivy League universities Columbia and Brown, which has lagged in offering free online courses, to Wesleyan, a small liberal arts college, to a top-ranked music school, Berklee College of Music, to state schools like University of Maryland at College Park, to foreign institutions like Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the University of Melbourne.
FORBES: Free Online Education Site Announces Big Expansion