According to Caldwell, a self-described Twitter groupie, there was a point when Twitter considered building a business around its real-time API, but instead opted to focus on advertising.
The site dates back to the 1980s, when Mr. Needham, a self-described technology geek and cinephile, created a database listing the names of the cast and crew in all the films he had seen.
WSJ: Is All Publicity Good Publicity? Tests Hollywood's Vanity Quotient
Gay rights activist Marcelo Marquez -- a self-described devout Catholic and former theology professor at a Catholic seminary -- said the then-archbishop of Buenos Aires had called him after he wrote an angry letter to Catholic leaders.
Ms. Kennedy-Kline, 42, is a self-described "snuggler" who says "I love you" a lot.
Hodgman was a self-described former professional literary agent at the time, first making a splash amongst the literati some five years prior with the publication of the column "Ask a Former Professional Literary Agent" for uber-hip San Francisco publisher McSweeney's.
ENGADGET: John Hodgman on the death of publishing and being a Mac trapped in a PC's body
The Securities and Exchange Commission has filed civil fraud charges against a self-described Beverly Hills, Calif.
Their public life has a self-described conservative goal: to protect their vision of domestic life.
One would never suspect that this iconoclast was a self-described "military brat" from Lansing, Mich.
WSJ: A Man Outside His Time | Lebbeus Woods | SFMOMA | By Richard B. Woodward
Before he moved to California, Mr. Mamet had never met a self-described conservative or read one's writings.
Talen moved to New York City in the mid-1990s, in the throes of a self-described midlife crisis.
By high school, he'd discovered rock climbing, becoming a self-described "dirtbag" who loved to tackle risky ascents.
WSJ: Patagonia's Founder is America's Most Unlikely Business Guru
He's also a self-described adrenaline junkie and a long time Los Angeles resident.
He was a self-described curmudgeon, often blunt, blasphemous and unbending yet extremely smart and seasoned in the news business.
Her internist referred her to Dr. Joseph Jemsek, a self-described "Lyme Literate" doctor.
She's a self-described "hockey mom, " and PTA member who can connect with voters.
Christine Olson Giebel, a self-described chocolate lover in California's Silicon Valley, says she regularly sends out personalized combinations of chocolate from CocoaBella.
U.S. authorities gained possession of the skeleton after a self-described "commercial paleontologist" from Florida pleaded guilty in December 2012 to smuggling and other charges.
At the weightlifting trials, Ms. Uhlaender will be a self-described underdog.
WSJ: Cross Training: A Racer on Ice Dreams of Summer Games, Too
In 2004, a self-described team of Red Sox "Idiots" won their first World Series in 86 years while flouting the basic standards of decorum and grooming.
Around the corner from my last apartment in Seattle sits The 5 Point Cafe, a self-described dive bar in the shadow of the Space Needle.
While Mr. Murray, a self-described "conservative preppy guy, " goes easy on color, he believes there is no such thing as too much color in a preppy look.
The defense had hoped to use Reichardt to lay the groundwork for its theory that the murders were committed by drug dealers pursuing Resnick, a self-described cocaine user.
CNN: O.J. Simpson trial: Debate over 'Fuhrman Tapes' heats up
Whitney Kropp, a self-described outcast with just a handful of close friends at Ogemaw Heights High School, was picked to be the female representative of the sophomore class royalty.
Sorrell is a Cambridge and Harvard graduate from North London, a self-described "bean counter" who made his mark as the finance director of the ad gurus, Charles and Maurice Saatchi.
Snowe, a self-described centrist, retired from the Senate in January after deciding she could not be effective given the polarization of the parties that left her increasingly alone in the middle.
Mr. Barron is a self-described fighter and strong advocate for his predominately black district, which includes parts of East New York and Brownsville, some of the poorest neighborhoods in the city.
Five former clients of the Council on American- Islamic Relations (CAIR) have filed two separate lawsuits in federal court alleging criminal fraud and breach of fiduciary duty against CAIR, a self-described Muslim public interest civil rights law firm.