Christian organisations insist that the census measured a sense of identity rather than belief.
BBC: 2011 Census: Is Christianity shrinking or just changing?
"It's just something they're inventing to give people a sense of identity, " says Boursicot.
At Carver, all the uniforms and parade ground routines seem to give teenagers a sense of identity.
The knowledge, skills, diversity, ornamentation and ceremonies involved provide Kyrgyz people with a sense of identity and continuity.
We want to see some real progress, maybe a sense of identity that begins to come into focus.
Today, gingerbread makers are essential participants in local festivities, events and gatherings, providing the local people with a sense of identity and continuity.
Organisations, communities and individuals all use records from the past to understand and demonstrate where they come from, enabling community cohesion and a sense of identity.
AANAPISIs provide culturally sensitive and relevant curricula, environments that encourage students to develop a sense of identity and self-worth, and invest in students with need.
Salimi says the transplants were longing to feel a sense of identity, and some of the old songs his company sang would make them cry.
To transmit and display the ritual is to reconfirm a sense of identity within the group and to contribute to the continuity of an important tradition.
Practised today mainly by older craftspeople, the art remains a point of cultural pride and an important tool for reinforcing a sense of identity for the community.
Knowledge, skills, diversity, the semantics of ornamentation, and the ceremonies of creating carpets are all important cultural components, providing Kyrgyz people with a sense of identity and continuity.
The Giants' 1993 signing of Barry Bonds, for example, brought a sense of identity to a struggling franchise, ultimately paving the way for a new revenue-generating stadium by 2000.
Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) is defined as practices, representations, expressions, knowledge and skills which are transmitted from generation to generation and which provide communities with a sense of identity and continuity.
In the 19th century, when artists switched from patronage by church or monarch to being independent creators, often struggling to survive, they drew comfort and a sense of identity by casting themselves as Bohemian figures.
R.1: Traditional craftsmanship for violin-making has been transmitted from generation to generation, both through apprenticeship and through formal education, playing an important role in the everyday life of people in Cremona and giving them a sense of identity.
This intangible cultural heritage, transmitted from generation to generation, is constantly recreated by communities in response to their environment, their interaction with nature and history, and provides them with a sense of identity and continuity, said Dr Nagata.
For him, whether the process of renaming the team is something ridiculous or something a little closer to the ground, it should be a way to give a New Orleans basketball team a sense of identity with the city.
On a journey which takes him to Caerphilly, Cardiff and Newport in the South and to Caernarfon and Snowdonia in the North, Mukul Devichand finds that many Welsh people feel a heightened sense of identity and patriotism about the revival of a language most cannot speak.
When villages form a nation, certain advantages are present such as mutual defense, a unified system of trade-enabling laws, and perhaps a greater sense of identity.
"Creating this type of list can help to solidify a sense of group identity, " says Linda Tropp, professor of psychology at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
R.1: The knowledge and practices related to the toquilla straw hat are transmitted from one generation to another and provide the bearing communities with a sense of cultural identity and continuity, serving as a reference of social cohesion among different groups living in coastal and Andean regions of Ecuador.
The traditional theatre strengthens a sense of cultural identity while bringing people closer together through entertainment.
Culture confers upon people a strong sense of identity and belonging, both of which make it easier to cope under difficult circumstances.
Professor Coleman said the use of slang "emerges when people are put in a position where they are bottom of a hierarchy" but have a strong sense of group identity - using it as an "outlet of aggression".
It also encourages the expression of imagination and creativity, contributing to a vivid sense of cultural identity.
In the power vacuum that accompanied the decline of the Holy Roman Empire, a number of large and efficient city-states evolved, all having an unusually potent sense of a separate identity.
In a town of some dozen art museums, it has never been able to project a clear sense of its own identity, of what it can offer the museum-going public that no other institution can.
WSJ: Corcoran Gallery of Art | Another Museum Mulls Pulling Up Stakes | By Eric Gibson